| FTBL Bama tags in Ga



The state of Ga passed a bill that will prevent any out of state school from being able to have their schools have tags here. That means that Alabama will not be able to get 'bama tags in Georgia after all we went through, unless Alabama begins to offer Ga plates (who in the state of Alabama wants a Ga bulldog tag????). All because Ga is so jealous of the other schools that already have them, like Fla, Auburn, and Clemson.

Georgia sucks!!!!

At least this also means that Auburn tags will be barred here, too!
c5vetman said:

The state of Ga passed a bill that will prevent any out of state school from being able to have their schools have tags here. That means that Alabama will not be able to get 'bama tags in Georgia after all we went through, unless Alabama begins to offer Ga plates (who in the state of Alabama wants a Ga bulldog tag????). All because Ga is so jealous of the other schools that already have them, like Fla, Auburn, and Clemson.

Georgia sucks!!!!

At least this also means that Auburn tags will be barred here, too!

That's not quite the story...Georgia has no reason to be jealous of anything. Florida wasn't allowing Georgia plates, the way I understand it, and it all stemmed from that...
Terry, the real truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Trust me, when all the AU tags starting rolling out the GA fans were NOT happy. Because their rival is somewhat "respectful" and historical with Auburn the legislature kept pretty mum on the issue. It was tax revenue, and it didn't seem to be that big of a deal that Alabama didn't offer UGA tags.

Now enter the Florida Gators and a totally different story ensues. Even though UGA beat Florida last year the Gators have owned the Dawgs for years. Georgia has beaten them only twice in like 15+ years. Bad blood has been freely flowing between the two especially here in ATL where there is a large contingency of Gators.

Supposedly a representative from Athens started this whole thing in a clever plot for re-election. It seems to have taken on a life of itself. It was voted on today. I was shocked to see it voted on so quickly when we have so many more pressing public issues.

Anyway, the representatives of this great state voted overwhelmingly to deny car tags to any out of state school unless that particular state also offers UGA tags to its residents. Really unbelievable! Even more unbelievable is the margin of victory in this case. 142-10! Bless the 10 that realize politics and state revenue shouldn't depend on football.

Sounds like jealousy to me...

I agree with Delta, there seemed to be no real problem with the Auburn tags (I didn't even know they made Clemson tags here), but as soon as Florida tags were about to make their debut (along with Tennessee, Alabama, and others) they pass such a stupid bill.

Come on people, don't we have more pressing issues? I mean it is revenue for the state, which every state needs more of, but to pass a petty bill like this is ridiculous. It's very childish, "If you won't sell ours, we won't sell yours" is something my 2 and 4 year olds would come up with!
TerryP said:
That's not quite the story...Georgia has no reason to be jealous of anything. Florida wasn't allowing Georgia plates, the way I understand it, and it all stemmed from that...

Alabama doesn't offer Georgia tags, but Auburn's tags didn't cause an uproar, Ga's (at least certain people) jealousy of Florida is what brought this on.
c5vetman said:
TerryP said:
That's not quite the story...Georgia has no reason to be jealous of anything. Florida wasn't allowing Georgia plates, the way I understand it, and it all stemmed from that...

Alabama doesn't offer Georgia tags, but Auburn's tags didn't cause an uproar, Ga's (at least certain people) jealousy of Florida is what brought this on.
The Uga folks were laughing when the AU folks got their tags. Nothing was said when Clemson got theirs and we can thank FSU for getting the ball rolling all together in this state.
I think Ga just needs to realize that they are really just a regional (of the state, no less) power, even though they've gotten some real success since Richt took over. They barely sell more UGA tags than Auburn (which sells more than GA Tech), and I doubt there's many UGA fans in any other state besides Ga. But Florida is a national favorite, their fans live all across the country, as do ours, perhaps in a smaller extent.

I don't see there being enough demand in ANY other state (especially Fla or Alabama) to offer UGA tags there. I'd be willing to bet that in the Atlanta area alone, UGA fans make up less than 50% of football fans.

I've been to Athens before, I don't remember seeing any Alabama tags there - but while I was in school at the capstone, I never went anywhere without seeing a Ga tag.
rick4bama said:
You all do know that that the school down below. Already have tags in Ga. So Alabama should be safe.

True, but when they come up to be renewed, they will not be allowed to be renewed. They will no longer issue barn tags here in the state of Ga until Alabama begins issuing UGA tags (which will probably NEVER happen)
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