I hear you. And what worries me is that now we’re hearing “fully vaccinated” does not fit for folks who have only had 2 doses. So when does this end? I asked our HR if we’re going to have a line in the sand date every 4-6 months. Still waiting on that response… But a twice or thrice a year mandate do or be fired date? Yikes…This is what is sad. Good people losing and walking off their job. If more people were like the NY firefighters and SouthWest Pilots, we would be a lot better off. We all need to support one another if we want to get vaccinated or NOT get vaccinated, for a virus that has a 97% survival rate. The MSM and politicians want to keep us arguing with one another over vaccine vs not vaccine as opposed to the fact that this freedom vs tyranny. It is way bigger than vaccine mandates. We are a hop, skip, and jump away from full on 1939 Germany. Australia and New Zealand already require "papers".....vaccine passports to go out in public.