All Auburn University employees are required to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8 or face termination.

This is what is sad. Good people losing and walking off their job. If more people were like the NY firefighters and SouthWest Pilots, we would be a lot better off. We all need to support one another if we want to get vaccinated or NOT get vaccinated, for a virus that has a 97% survival rate. The MSM and politicians want to keep us arguing with one another over vaccine vs not vaccine as opposed to the fact that this freedom vs tyranny. It is way bigger than vaccine mandates. We are a hop, skip, and jump away from full on 1939 Germany. Australia and New Zealand already require "papers".....vaccine passports to go out in public.
I hear you. And what worries me is that now we’re hearing “fully vaccinated” does not fit for folks who have only had 2 doses. So when does this end? I asked our HR if we’re going to have a line in the sand date every 4-6 months. Still waiting on that response… But a twice or thrice a year mandate do or be fired date? Yikes…

Once we get a handle on the will very much be like a flu shot. Typically a flu shot lasts about 8 months. That is why you get one every fall and it lasts through the peak season (winter). Covid vaccine will eventually be part of your flu vaccine. Right now your flu vaccine is a quad-valent and covers 4 variations of the flu. If you look at Covid vaccine. The 2 shots most people got was Jan-Mar/April. We are now hitting the 8 month time frame for the "booster". I fully expect the booster to be pushed. We will, most likely, have another wave of positives through the Thanksgiving/Chrismas holidays and then it will most likely die off until next year. We could have another "variant" next year before peak season, but I think vaccination coupled, more so with natural immunity will make this next year be a lot better.
Government will have to start working on something new to control all the minions. Another election cycle will be on its way.

Once we get a handle on the will very much be like a flu shot. Typically a flu shot lasts about 8 months. That is why you get one every fall and it lasts through the peak season (winter). Covid vaccine will eventually be part of your flu vaccine. Right now your flu vaccine is a quad-valent and covers 4 variations of the flu. If you look at Covid vaccine. The 2 shots most people got was Jan-Mar/April. We are now hitting the 8 month time frame for the "booster". I fully expect the booster to be pushed. We will, most likely, have another wave of positives through the Thanksgiving/Chrismas holidays and then it will most likely die off until next year. We could have another "variant" next year before peak season, but I think vaccination coupled, more so with natural immunity will make this next year be a lot better.
Government will have to start working on something new to control all the minions. Another election cycle will be on its way.
I would wager that most like you fall into my “bullshit & strawberries” theory. Were they to come out with the statement that bullshit & strawberries eaten for breakfast cuts c19 risk by 80%. There would not be enough strawberries left to make a pop tart with and halitosis would be a national emergency needing a cure. Ivermectin, HCQ, and an antibiotic that I can’t remember are used elsewhere with astounding results. Two week treatment less than $30 US… profits to be had that way. It’s been a scam and lie because the virus and cure were invented by the same people.

Edit: Check out Australia…..they are nazi Germany now over this crap. They are the testing ground for the English speaking countries. They are openly admitting to constructing c19 quarantine camps for unvax’d. Our CDC proposed “green zones” last year.
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This is what is sad. Good people losing jobs or walking off their job. If more people were like the NY firefighters and SouthWest Pilots, we would be a lot better off. We all need to support one another if we want to get vaccinated or NOT get vaccinated, for a virus that has a 97% survival rate. The MSM and politicians want to keep us arguing with one another over vaccine vs not vaccine as opposed to the fact that this freedom vs tyranny. It is way bigger than vaccine mandates. We are a hop, skip, and jump away from full on 1939 Germany. Australia and New Zealand already require "papers".....vaccine passports to go out in public.
Politicians want control.....not govern....
My job hasn't said anything regarding a vaccination mandate/rule. But I've let it be known that if they do, that will be my last day. There have been several people there say that they'll use the religious exemption. I told them I'm going to use the "Fuck you, my body/my choice" exemption.

It seems to work well for those who are pro-abortion. So it should be good enough for a bullshit vaccine. If not, oh well.....fuck you, anyway. NO ONE is going to force me to put something inside my body that has literally been killing people. There's a guy in my department who had the vaccine (the double-shot version); and he said he could notice something wrong with his heart. Like it would be irregularly sometimes. And it was something it never did before he got the vaccine. And he's a young, healthy person with no prior health issues at all. We've also had a guy in another department get the vaccine. He had prior heart issues. And now it's just made it so much worse that he's on leave to have surgery and probably won't ever be back.
Statistics show that more people who are fully " vaccinated " are catching the c19 than the people who are not. The " un vaccinated " are now being blamed for this. This December a new test is supposed to separate Influenza from c19. That may be the reason for the Dec. 8 deadline for many. The so called c19 test is bogus, way too many positive test, Why? Because if you have the sniffles or a common cold the test will detect the corona virus and called the c19 bullshit. A " vaccine " is supposed to be mandatory ONLY if there is no other recourse.That is exactly why the treatments with Ivermectin and HCQ have been demonized and the great results from many parts of the world have been covered up by the treasonous main stream media and lawmakers. Crimes against humanity is treason and hopefully some day they will be dealt with.
It’s not unlawful
People have not read Supreme Court rulings on things before posting. They run on what Facebook tells them too much at times. I find it funny that opposition to the vaccine was officially on the Dem side until Biden became President. Harris said she'd didn't trust any vaccine created under Trump and now the tables have turned. It's all mindless political BS.
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You guys are crazy.. only one person realizes..

"There are no legal mandates. End of story. Change a law make it legal…it"

Show me the law.. By What Authority do you claim such..
The Constitution and Bill or Rights apply.. it does not say.. Unless there is an Emergency, War or MSM says so.

The country if full of foolish idiots.

Show me the actual legal documents.. You can not.

The Constitution give you the Right to Not Comply..

Turn off your stupid TV and ignore the Gov't

Make them fire you .. protest and sue them.. They have No Legal Grounds.. as Southwest Airlines Employees force them to back down.

Stop acting like the TV is GOD.
These mandates will eventually go to the SCOTUS.
Doesn't matter. They are part of the political machine. They don't want to upset the apple cart and mess up the gravy train they are riding.
As stated here in previous posts. People do not know the law and get their heath, political, law enforcement, news etc strictly from social media.
Doesn't matter. They are part of the political machine. They don't want to upset the apple cart and mess up the gravy train they are riding.
As stated here in previous posts. People do not know the law and get their heath, political, law enforcement, news etc strictly from social media.
I don't like to get political, but the shitshow that is in the Whitehouse and congress certainly doesn't help. The biggest problem is the mainstream media dictating everything and I mean everything, like they are our catalyst of everything that runs our everyday life. I have turned off News, Social media just for that very reason. Their version of freedom of the press is different from mine. As far as law goes, they dictate it to their liking, so the media is really starting to think they are above it all and are running this country to the ground.
Stopped watching mainstream media several years ago. Just a bunch of non sense. Also, try not to listen to political pundits but unfortunately they hold the purse strings and they will hold that over businesses and universities. You conform or you do not get federal dollars. Who will be willing to jeopardize their livelihood?

Federal employees will be subject to take the shot or you will be let go. My non government job will be subject to the executive order, take the shot or be tested often. Politicians are in a power grab right now. How far will people be willing to allow them to be pushed?

Our kids do have to have vaccinations to go to school. Why is that less controversial than this? I have my theories why that is and most of it comes down to the current distrust culture we are in with our government and politicians.
People have not read Supreme Court rulings one things before posting. They run on what Facebook tells them too much at times. I don't it funny that opposition to the vaccine was officially on the Dem side until Biden read President. Harris said she'd didn't trust any vaccine created under Trump and more the tables have turned. It's all mindless political BS.
I hate how everything gets turned political. We’ve eliminated intelligence, actual research, and just gone with whatever Facebook or political leaders say
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