🏀 Alabama Walk-on Kai Spears gets a surprise gift: He's now on Scholly

I do not have to be happy about an athlete receiving a scholarship if I don't believe they deserve it.
Okay. Now we're getting there.

Why don't you believe Kia ("they" was an odd choice, btw) deserve the scholly?

While you are at it ... give me another "they" that didn't deserve the same award.
Good for y'all.
Do you realize pulling this shit is only going to make people fuck with you?

If you would be nicer to the people you direct to their seats at athletic events, you might find other areas of validation.

You are right at the point few others have been: providing me an unnecessary distraction which I turn into a comic show.

March 25th. Turkey season begins in Alabama. I could start that here, on the 5th...
I want to make this clear, reptile.

I am going to enter your email address, as well as your IP, into a spam cleaner log. Several.

That's step three. ... IF you continue with this personality you have created for this site.

I've seen your political views. Ironically, here's a case example. You can be censored.

There is a distinct difference in the posts you make here. on your phone, and the ones you make through your IP.

Verizon vs Charter. That's a tell. Two different environments, two different personalities. When you are on the Charter connection, you are hiding from someone.

There is a "Contact Us" option at the bottom of the page. That will go to Lance.

IF he chooses to forward it to me? We'll move from there.

Right now, you have a puzzle to figure out.

100-1 odds, it won't be tonight.

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