| FTBL AL A BAM A vs UGA Score?

I admit I have no idea what the final score will be and who will win. I do know the outcome of the game is bigger for DeBoer in the short term than it is for Smart. If Bama wins the media will be talking less about Saban going forward. If Bama loses the same media pundits will be taking even more about Saban. The fact these two teams could end up playing against one another three times this season makes it interesting thinking about how the outcome(s) of the prior game(s) will impact the current game. Rarely has one great college team beat another great team twice in the same season much less the previously impossible three times in a season. Putting those thoughts aside, I hope Bama spanks Georgia so hard this Saturday Smart will be the one having to answer the vast majority of the stupid media questions.
IMO, this game WILL NOT define the season because we are still a work in progress. Yes, we have to play clean and we have areas we need to improve on moving forward. I think CKD has been holding out as far as showing to much on offense in the games we have played thus far. Defensively, we cannot afford to give up big plays. We also have to force some turnovers by UGA. Field position, special teams and a lack of costly penalties will all play a role in this game. Leaning right now toward CKS and company but will wait a couple of days to be a score on the game.
I feel like the coaches know Ga. is gonna sellout to stop the run and the QB runs and force us to compete early with the consistent passing game.

Knowing that I’m sure we have held back some of our passing attack for this game in particular.

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