| LIFE A year ago today, April 28, 2019


Bench Warmer
Our 37 year old daughter had a stroke. Long story short, after a month at UAB, 2 months at Encompass Health Rehab in Huntsville and 3 more months working with therapists at Rehab Access in Decatur she was able to go back to work as an Librarian at the library in Moulton. With no other health issues to begin with, Dr. Grobin (sp?) at UAB said a stroke at her age was rare. He told us later in his 30 years dealing with stroke patients she was his 5th patient under 40.

Of course this changed her and our life forever. Luckily my wife and I had already retired and were able to help with her recovery. She still has a long way to go but has made significant improvements for which we are thankful. Thank all of you for your prayers and positive thoughts on her behalf.

We just dont ever know. Anytime you hear an ambulance siren, someone's life will never be the same.
I have and will continue to pray for y'all. I know she has made a lot of progress in the last year but still has some obstacles to overcome. Thankful you and Mrs. Bamabww are there for her. Blessings my friend!
The Moulton Library has been closed to the public for a month now. Yesterday it reopened and our daughter was able to work her shift, 9:30 to 4:30 without using a walker. Her balance is still way off, she barely can step over a waterhose in the yard, but she made it fine although very tired at the end of the day. Still can't drive so that ties us down but we're very thankful for this progress.
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