He might not be part of the “machine in DC”, but he’s bought and paid for without a doubt just like very other politician. The shooter was a registered republican that gave one donation to a left group (maybe like me he lost a bet?), with zero mental health issues, so he could’ve been part of the left’s lunatic fringe or the right’s or who knows.For the most part, the conservative right, view Trump as the best candidate in decades simply because he isn't paid or bought AND he isn't a part of the machine of DC. I'm sure you disagree with those notions but that's the basis for his majority following. There are some lunatic fringe that view him like Christ but both sides have their lunatic fringe. It looks like the shooter was one of the left's lunatic fringe.
As far as their being some "consipiracy". . . . . You have stated, w/ us agreeing, that there are some real holes in this thing. And had Trump not turned his head, the frenzy would be on a whole other level. To that end, there has been a bureacracy in DC that goes back to JFK's assasination that shows clear meddling in our political process. The CIA files regarding JFK's assasination is at the DC library made public for all to see. This was mandated by congress BTW. HBO Max made a documentary recently about how clear the CIA was involved in JFKs assasination. I highly recommend it! Since then, the DC government state has been meddling in politics. This bureaucracy that runs our government doesn't give a damn about Republican or Democrat. They can run BOTH parties with ease. However, they have thrown every possible option to get rid of Trump. This isn't a Republican/Democrat, liberal/conservative issue. Hell, we tend to agree far more than we disagree on things. But those inside the DC bureaucracy do not want change. PERIOD. They don't want us pulling back the covers.
I'm a cynic by nature. I need solid evidence to be 100% persuaded. But that goes both ways. Right now, the evidence, so far, shows that either there was such a stupid blunder by an alledged superior protection agency OR the shooter was given privy to information & time to conduct the assassination attempt. And frankly, I don't know which scenario is worse reflection of OUR government.
I don’t believe this was some left wing hit out on Trump. The SS made huge blunders as did local law enforcement.