| FTBL A few surprises this week...


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While the Michigan loss did not surprise me at all, there were a few that blew me away.

Rutgers losing to Fresno St. 24-7 - This was a total surprise. 0-0 at the half and FSU goes off on a team I thought knew how to win.

Tennessee trying to pass its way to victory and losing to UCLA - Wow...this was stupid IMO. I would have lined up and ran 3 times...checked where I was on the field and ran it 3 more times. They never should have lost this game. Another Fulmerism...

Pittsburgh laying down after leading Bowling Green most of the day. - nothing to say here.

Mississippi State losing to La. Tech - a terrible start if you are a State fan. What happened there?

Kentucky Slamming Louisville - This one reminded me of the Bama-Clemson game. Kentucky looked stronger, faster, and just better than the Cards. I was in shock.
Tennessee losing was the biggest shocker to me of Week 1, and that includes the VaTech loss. Pitt losing was no surprise at all. Kentucky and Louisville was almost painful to watch. Rutgers are Rutgers again and as for Mississippi St... I'll just say thank you sweet baby Jesus for Croom not being Alabama's coach.
Porter said:
Tennessee losing was the biggest shocker to me of Week 1, and that includes the VaTech loss. Pitt losing was no surprise at all. Kentucky and Louisville was almost painful to watch. Rutgers are Rutgers again and as for Mississippi St... I'll just say thank you sweet baby Jesus for Croom not being Alabama's coach.

You know Jesus was a man, he had a beard. :lol:
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