Such a small world when you realize the Maui Police Chief was a Department Commander in Las Vegas when the Jason Aldean concert massacre took place..The Maui emergency management chief resigned today…..
They will soon “own nothing and be happy”.. executive order 14072..Now from what I understand, they are evicting people that still have homes! They haven’t housed the displaced yet and evicting more.
We used to manage our forest by burning off every two years. Fire departments had equipment to cut fire breaks all over our property. Quail & deer hunting navigation was great because of it.Commentator #1: It's a climate crisis. It's a climate emergency. That's the reason it's such a disaster.
Commentator #2: Hawaii stopped cleaning out dead brush and trash from in and around power lines. If that would have been maintained, we wouldn't have seen such damage.
It's a bit ironic you mention this when I almost said something similar in my earlier post.We used to manage our forest by burning off every two years. Fire departments had equipment to cut fire breaks all over our property.
DittoIt's a bit ironic you mention this when I almost said something similar in my earlier post.
I can't recall the origin of the report—either Quebec or Toronto based—that said, practically, the same thing about the fires in Canada. It was suggested that Canada's focus on renewables resulted in the lack of focus on preventative measures.
I heard the same thing about Hawaii's leadership: focused on renewables versus prevention.
I know this is a simplistic view, but here goes. I know if I don't cut my lawn I'll see snakes. With the rain we've had the last few weeks my back yard went two and a half weeks without being mowed. What do you know!! When I cut it Saturday I saw three snakes.
So, if I don't cut my yard there's a good chance I'll see snakes, right? On the same hand, if people don't clear out dead brush who would have thought it was prime to catch on fire? Literally, something a six year old Boy Scout could tell you.
All these fires are 100% on purpose..The powers that be are tired of trying to convince you about climate change.., First they tried the carrot.. We weren’t that stupid..Now they are using a big stick..Now they are going to beat it into you..
This Green Movement will be more dangerous and more deadly than all of our enemies ever were or will be.. more dangerous than Isis.. more dangerous than Al-Qaeda ..more dangerous than nazis… more dangerous than the axis powers..
California chalk up to an Angry GOD…Cali never had this type of weather before..When you say "all these fires are 100% on purpose..." are you saying each were acts of arson?
I bet they snuck their earthquake machine into So Cal under cover of that tropical storm, too.
I’ve always wondered after reading Revelations why people don’t believe those times are coming… We were promised strong delusions, people being perplexed and horrible atrocities taking place… Israel has been returned for 70 years…The ball is rolling now..The cause was the lack of maintenance and clearing of debris from power easements. All that money has gone into new tech instead of maintenance. So if you look at it without rose colored glasses, yes there is people to blame here. This whole green ideology $$$$$$$$, is at the heart of it. Also, there is substantiated reports that the water was shut off?????
Delayed five hours...really strange story there. Is it something an administration would admit?Also, there is substantiated reports that the water was shut off?????
I've always wondered why people get so involved in linking events to Biblical passages.I’ve always wondered after reading Revelations why people don’t believe those times are coming… We were promised strong delusions, people being perplexed and horrible atrocities taking place… Israel has been returned for 70 years…The ball is rolling now..
The funny thing is, you don’t have to be a believer…governments will commit the atrocities..God will only pass his judgment when they challenge him…I've always wondered why people get so involved in linking events to Biblical passages.
I mean, if Henry Kissinger is indeed the anti-christ he needs to hurry the fuck up.