| FTBL Zach Smith suggests that Urban Meyer could be heading to Southern Cal

Agreed, the source is total garbage, but I do see where Urban has weaseled out of every pinch he's been in, so it would not shock me in the least to see him pop up for a fresh start somewhere new soon. Although father time is ticking away for him with his "health problems".
When I consider the stability thats found within their athletics directorship(s,) the sound leadership extending all the way down to their non revenue sports, it's a fantastic time.
Thread title is a bit misleading... He's not heading to USCw.

Some guy THINKS in the future IF Urban comes out of retirement, he MIGHT do it to coach an elite team LIKE UCSw.
One can debate the use of the word Elite here.... ;)
Thread title is a bit misleading... He's not heading to USCw.

Some guy THINKS in the future IF Urban comes out of retirement, he MIGHT do it to coach an elite team LIKE UCSw.
One can debate the use of the word Elite here.... ;)

And how do you know he is not going to USC? Helton is on borrowed time dead man walking. I think the chances are better than 50-50 he coaches there next year.
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I think it's highly probable USC cleans house and fires Swann he is a train wreck and makes a run at Meyer. It would be a path of least resistance for him he would own the PAC12.
This is his brand for what it's worth.


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Society as we know it is broken. The injustices run rampant through multiple avenues and situations daily. This podcast is for the wrongfully wronged. This podcast is intended to be a Menace to what is WRONG with Society today. We are not here to be “Narrative Warriors” – We are here to be TRUTH Warriors. Narratives pushed by attention seeking entities, structural norms, injustice abusers, and misguided mobs are dangerous to everyone. We aim to address injustices that happen because society has developed a culture of acceptance and a dangerous routine. “That’s the way it works” is an extremely hazardous norm in society today and it’s time that it is not accepted. It is time we band together and become a menace to society… more specifically, what society has become today.

Quick look at his episode list, I may give a few a listen just to get an idea of the message.

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