| FTBL You guys want something to laugh at?



Disclaimer: Sorry Porter and Terry. This is AU-related. :lol: :p


Seriously, if you're bored and want a laugh or two, check out the call in show. One caller just called in with the handle "Pat" and the hosts put him on. The caller was doing his best Pat Dye rendition and it was CLASSIC! I about fell out of my chair laughing but the hosts cut him as soon as they figured out what was going on. That could have been the laugh of the week I'm telling you!

They're falling apart down there right now, y'all. Some folks are just dejected. Others are calling for heads to roll.
Dude, they're talking Tuskeegee's spread attack now (the Tony Franklin attack). :lol: They WISHED they had Tuskeegee's spread attack right now.

They're wishing they had WVa's spread attack for that matter. The Mountaineers looked tonight like they invented it.
Dangit I can't turn it off now. They sound like what deer must think when they see bright lights. DUMBFOUNDED and don't know where to go next :lol:
B J, did you just hear the last one!?!?!?! :lol:


A BOL caller just called in posing as an AU fan and said that it's so bad that's he's thinking of converting. He then does the obligitory, "Bama**l***.com, Roll Tide"!

Two things; (1) For the record, this is bush league. I don't agree with it. (2) The most assanine part of the call was that the AU host has still not figured it out. He just LOST IT when talking about AU fans converting! :lol: He thinks it's a legit call.
porkchop said:
B J, did you just hear the last one!?!?!?! :lol:


A BOL caller just called in posing as an AU fan and said that it's so bad that's he's thinking of converting. He then does the obligitory, "Bama**l***.com, Roll Tide"!

Two things; (1) For the record, this is bush league. I don't agree with it. (2) The most assanine part of the call was that the AU host has still not figured it out. He just LOST IT when talking about AU fans converting! :lol: He thinks it's a legit call.

I like when the host said SOMETHING like...

"I'm sick of this too! Do you realize how much energy it takes to do these two hour shows after these games" LMAO!

He was all pissed about it too.

RollTide1980 said:
porkchop said:
B J, did you just hear the last one!?!?!?! :lol:


A BOL caller just called in posing as an AU fan and said that it's so bad that's he's thinking of converting. He then does the obligitory, "Bama**l***.com, Roll Tide"!

Two things; (1) For the record, this is bush league. I don't agree with it. (2) The most assanine part of the call was that the AU host has still not figured it out. He just LOST IT when talking about AU fans converting! :lol: He thinks it's a legit call.

I like when the host said SOMETHING like...

"I'm sick of this too! Do you realize how much energy it takes to do these two hour shows after these games" LMAO!

He was all pissed about it too.


Yeah, they're not happy campers right now.
circledrill said:

Hey, we had to put up with it for YEARS. I repeat YEARS. It's funny and confusing why Auburn fans are all pissed over the mud getting slung back at them. Did they really think Auburn would be the #1 team in this state for forever :shock: ? Surely not, but now I think many actually did buy into that notion :lol: . You've had your time in the sun over our NCAA issues and coaching woes. Now the shadow is cast back over the plains where it belongs.

The guys hosting this show sound like a bunch of cry babies. Crying about karma and lack of class for UA fans calling in a ribbing them but turn a blind cheek to all the AU fans shoving it down our throats for YEARS. Someone needs to call the wambulance for those hosts.


Update, they are now piping in baby crying sounds. Classic!! :lol:
circledrill said:

Hey, we had to put up with it for YEARS. I repeat YEARS. It's funny and confusing why Auburn fans are all pissed over the mud getting slung back at them. Did they really think Auburn would be the #1 team in this state for forever :shock: ? Surely not, but now I think many actually did buy into that notion :lol: . You've had your time in the sun over our NCAA issues and coaching woes. Now the shadow is cast back over the plains where it belongs.

The guys hosting this show sound like a bunch of cry babies. Crying about karma and lack of class for UA fans calling in a ribbing them but turn a blind cheek to all the AU fans shoving it down our throats for YEARS. Someone needs to call the wambulance for those hosts.


Update, they are now piping in baby crying sounds. Classic!! :lol:

circledrill said:

I don't think anyone here is calling into the show circledrill. We're just listening to it and enjoying it. The fact that it's enjoyable probably isn't classy, but other than that, I'm not sure what your argument is?

JAMMA elluded to it though, and I make no apologies for it. Look. We've dealt with y'alls crap for a long time when you thought you were top dog. The AU fanbase has a long history of doing anything within their power to harm BAMA whenever and wherever possible on the internet, and in real life. Your fanbase is malicious and vindictive as proven by the actions of the AU nation over the last several years.

We're sitting here listening to YOUR show. We're enjoying it. That's the bottom line. People here are not online trying to harm your program. That's the big difference historically from what AU fans have tried to do to UA.

My advise to you is to get over it, or win a ball game every once in a while. Because until you do, this probably isn't the last thread on the site that is going to upset you.
I'll apologize for saying it was a RTB caller because I thought I heard him ramble it off before he hung up but I could of easily been misunderstood. It was hard to hear their broadcast due to all the background noises and heavy fuming from one of the hosts sounding like he was having a stroke. Again I apologize. BUT, it was good entertainment while it lasted and I thank Chopper for posting the link. Hopefully it won't be the last :D

I do agree it is not classy for rival fans to call in and be rude but those shows are going to attract the rabid fans, on both rival teams. Didn't hear anything really rude other than a little rival ribbing. BTW I don't listen to PF but I know plenty of AU fans call in and threaten that mans life because of what he does. If those people would understand he is just doing his job, to stir the pot for entertainment value alone, then they would probably live a healthier life.
Yeah couldn't make it out real good plus I was too busy laughing :lol:

I'll go edit my original post so nobody flames me for saying it was someone from here cool8).
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