You are President of the USA for a day ..


.. and you get to make ONE decision that will change some aspect of the nation. Be it environmental, political, social, economical, whatever.

You could ban Auburn fans from being allowed to publicly profess their faith. You could make the wearing of orange illegal. You could make Alabama fans exempt from paying taxes. Or make it so that all American citizens are entitled to free BBQ.

What do you do?
Hard to say just one. Economically, I'd permanently prevent the regulation of carbon dioxide in the United States. Taxes, I'd put Corporations on equal footing internationally, which would bring an influx of domestic cash and investment, move to an individual flat tax and eliminate all refundable tax credits. Spending, I'd require a balanced budget except in times of war that would include amortization of the National Debt. Socially (and it sounds trite putting it in this category), I'd greatly restrict abortion.
I'd eliminate Congress and appoint myself President for life. Then I'd destroy the entire tax code and start over, eliminate many federal departments (most notably education), begin work on The Great Wall of Texas, and withdraw much of our military from overseas. That can be done in a day, right?
9 am: Wake up - I'm the president, I get up when I want.

9-10am: Watch a little TV , take a dump, get in the shower and then when I'm out I put on the presidential outfit. (A robe like Hef's with some bunny slippers).

10am-11am: I'd start making prank calls to other world leaders. I'd make sure to call Kim Jong Un and, in my best Vladimir Putin voice, and tell him we attack at noon.

11-am-12pm: I'd flip back and forth between ESPN and CNN (just to see if Kimmy was dumb enough to strike first).

12pm-1pm: Call down to the chef and tell him I want some pulled pork BBQ sandwiches and loaf bread. I'm the President now..I got east with class.

1pm-1:15pm Fap in the oval office. Because I can.

1:15pm-1:30pm: Call up Hillary and tell her she's fired.

1:30pm-1:45pm: Call a press conference and tell them I need it broadcasted live.

2pm-3pm: Press conference. I'll stare right into the TV camera for 30 min without saying a word and then stand up grab the mic and rap the lyrics to Nuthin' but a G Thang and then drop the mic and leave the stage like Eddie Murphy in coming to America.

3pm-4:30pm: Go down to the gym and work out. Can't skip a day...President's gotta be swole!

4:30- 5pm: Time to start drinking.

5:pm-6pm: My buddies start arriving on Air Force One for the evening festivities.

6:pm: Drink my supper

6:15pm-???: Head out to the pool and party like its 2099.

???pm-???pm: Drunkenly appoint Chuck Norris as my Vice President and Mr T as Secretary of State.

??? -11:59pm: As my last presidential duty, I'd make it a law that Auburn has to send all of their coaching staff and players to UAB and shut down the Auburn program. As part fo that law I'd make sure to include they must not change the colors or the logo when they get there. No more War Eagle.
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Eliminate and end forever corporate tax of any kind.
Legalize all drugs for a weekend. Order all police drug seizures to be placed in the driveway of the local landfill. Invite all junkies to drug party. Allow said junkies free access to buffet of drugs and paraphenalia. After junkies gorge bulldoze their bodies into landfill. Push reset button on Drug War. Keep all drugs legal. Eliminate the black market for them.
Eliminate and end forever income tax.
National Sales Tax on all goods.
Abolish the concept of "In-Network" Doctoring.
Isolationism as a National Credo.
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