šŸˆ WR question


Verified Member
It's water under the bridge, but why didn't we go to Maze or McCoy in this game?

Hanks is getting more touches than ever before, but Mike McCoy used to be one of our main targets.

I understand the roll out pass to the tight end and the obvious desire to look for Julio, but where were McCoy and/or Maze?

Mike has nice hands. I just wish we could have found him.

I'm not saying it would have made a hill of beans difference but when the WHOLE WORLD knows you're going to Julio Jones, you can't expect him to get open everytime.

Smelley, McCoy, Maze...etc. All those guys could have been used as "cheats" b/c Julio is our #1 guy.

Kinda like selling a pass to Jordan, only to find Paxson open for three!!!

It would be nice if we could speard it around a little more, but when #8 is so good you have to throw it to him.

Although at times we can all see we just lock on to him. I'm sure as our team gets older we will be adjusting to this and throwing more to others.
This is exactly what Saban told us he was going to do when he was hired. He said he was going to find ways to get the ball in the hands of his best play makers in big games and in big situations. That's why this game was so Julio and Coffee heavy. If you want a coach who is going to spread it around, then you don't want coach Saban.
RollTideRandy said:
This is exactly what Saban told us he was going to do when he was hired. He said he was going to find ways to get the ball in the hands of his best play makers in big games and in big situations. That's why this game was so Julio and Coffee heavy. If you want a coach who is going to spread it around, then you don't want coach Saban.

I wasn't suggesting spread it around to make people happy, I was saying spread it around so DBs don't lock on to a certain WR.

The late bomb to Julio was well covered b/c it was very obvious who was getting the ball.

Saban has used various WRs this very season. I just find it odd that McCoy didn't get a touch.

If memory serves...a pass was never even thrown to him.


I'm curious why we didn't use our bread and butter and run behind Andre more? I know it threw off AU going to the right but I was hoping to see more power running to the left... Still proud either way. Roll Tide!
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