| FTBL Would you agree with Richt?


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Richt says,

"Let's talk about the game, or at least let's talk about the second half," said Richt, whose team trailed 31-0 at halftime. "We won 30-10. We dominated them in the second half."

I know we were outscored and the 3rd stunk but??

Roll Tide.
He's talking up his team to the locals after getting their butts handed to them. Everyone who knows anything about college football knows we went into a soft defense after going up 41-17. They did good to come out after halftime fired up, but they never really had a shot at the game. Not even after the punt return for a TD. As hyped up as their team and fans got after that TD, our offense went right back out and punched them in the mouth again by scoring 10 more points.
bamanaf said:
Richt says,

"Let's talk about the game, or at least let's talk about the second half," said Richt, whose team trailed 31-0 at halftime. "We won 30-10. We dominated them in the second half."

I know we were outscored but??

Roll Tide.

He can spin it any way he likes, but he took an embarassing L at home even though he used his favorite gimmick. Its like a baseball team trailing 17-0 getting 3 in the ninth and claimong to win the 9th inning. I'll give Georgia credit for fighting back, but spin like Richt is putting out is really for losers.
bamanaf said:
Richt says,

"Let's talk about the game, or at least let's talk about the second half," said Richt, whose team trailed 31-0 at halftime. "We won 30-10. We dominated them in the second half."

I know we were outscored and the 3rd stunk but??

Roll Tide.

Everybody in America knows that we took the air out of the ball in the second half, played more prevent and got conservative.

How about he breaks it down even further? I mean, UGA only outscored us 16-10 if you take out the final 3 minutes. We won 10-9 if the officials don't miss 2 blocks in the back and a hold on a return.

The point is, you can play if if if all day long. IF we had been up 14-0 instead of 31-0, UGA might not have sniffed the endzone because we might not have let up. As it was, their second half effort STILL lost because we were up 31-0 at half time. In order for him to have a legit argument, UGA would have had to outscore our first half. They didn't. Even if we had not scored in the second half, we still won 31-30.
Argo said:
He's talking up his team to the locals after getting their butts handed to them. Everyone who knows anything about college football knows we went into a soft defense after going up 41-17. They did good to come out after halftime fired up, but they never really had a shot at the game. Not even after the punt return for a TD. As hyped up as their team and fans got after that TD, our offense went right back out and punched them in the mouth again by scoring 10 more points.

See, I agree. I think we allowed too many points but I think we handled the clock management pefectly allowing GA to run time off the clock to end the game. We never let up on offense and they actually got a favorable call in the 2nd half which allowed them a touchdown. I know his spin is geared to his fanbase though. :?
bamanaf said:
Richt says,

"Let's talk about the game, or at least let's talk about the second half," said Richt, whose team trailed 31-0 at halftime. "We won 30-10. We dominated them in the second half."

I know we were outscored and the 3rd stunk but??

Roll Tide.

Richt is a moron... Good way to look at the glass half-full after BAMA stomped all over Georgia. How hard is it to keep a team motivated when you are stomping a team 31-0 at half. Not even Saban can keep a team motivated when they are cake walkin over an opponent. I am glad Georgia Fans were brought back to reality since they were already crowning themselves SEC & NCG Champs before the season even started.
dear uga coach,
you lost, suck it up!

p.s. you lost at home
p.s.s. dont make excuses
p.s.s.s. thank god you guys have a week off to heal
p.s.s.s.s. you lost!
I love to be the differing argument....Mr. Devils Advocate here....

I'm not really into trashing UGA and Coach Richt anymore. We beat them, they know it. Their fans know it. As fans, we should just hold our heads high like we expected to win, like we expect to win EVERY week.

I doubt Coach Richt was disrespecting the job Bama did to his team. That was a world-class, butt-kicking. He knows that, their fans know that.

On to Kentucky!!!
Coaches have to try and spin things into a positive in some attempt to restore their players ego. It was 41 -17 with about 4:30 to go in the game if memory serves me correctly. I don't think they "dominated" anyone. They might have "dominated" the whirlpools afterwards but that was it.
bamanaf said:
Richt says,

"Let's talk about the game, or at least let's talk about the second half," said Richt, whose team trailed 31-0 at halftime. "We won 30-10. We dominated them in the second half."

I know we were outscored and the 3rd stunk but??

Roll Tide.

They dominated the special teams in the 2nd half, and even then they were aided by a no call that game them a TD on a punt return. If he honestly thinks that they all of a sudden had the upper hand and that they just simply ran out of time (like some other UGA fans think), then he didn't learn much from that beat down, and it won't be his last this season. Especially if they meet up with Alabama again.
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