Where's everyone going for the holidays?

i'll be going downstairs.

we don't travel for the holidays since our family is all still close.

the only "traveling" i really do is going to my sister's house on christmas eve, but since she lives less than 30 miles from here, it's not that far to travel.

safe journey to all who do.
Working at Wally World, vacations during the holidays are off limits. My next time off will be Jan. 9th -12th. After that will be vacation in February.

My bro, his wife , and the In-Laws are on a cruise right now that goes down to the Bahamas. On their way back home they will be coming by here for a day or two.
Just over to Alabama for a couple of days of get togethers and then I get to focus on delayed home, yard, auto and shop tasks. Taking off from Christmas Eve through January 9, except for two quick business trips to the Carolinas the week of the 5th.


Christmas in Ohio with my wife, oldest son, daughter in law and our first Christmas with our grandson. Our youngest son is coming in from Nashville. Hopefully, I will get to go home to Florence between Christmas and New Years.
I don't travel we stay here at home. Our family that Nicole (D), Icelene(GD 19 year old), Tapanga(GD 16), Gunner(GS 14). Live about 5 miles from us.
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