| FTBL What if Nick Saban hadn't said no to Southern Cal?

I think that came out this season. I remember reading something (an interview, maybe?) where he mentioned that. Things would have been different all over the nation, that's for sure.
Steve Sexton (his agent) was interviewed this past week after speaking at the QB club here in da Ham'.

He said that while at MSU the AD at USC called him about going out there. Sexton advised him against it and you know the rest of the story with Carrol going there. Anyway Saban never misses an opportunity to get a dig in at Sexton about it. Sexton told him that nobody wants to send their kids to a crime riddled east LA school.......so much for that train of thought.

Either way it was the reporter that interviewed Sexton (Rappaport or Scarbinsky) was on DandBradio this week talking about it. The story has taken on wheels this week.
without a doubt, Saban made the right decision. We all know that his game was designed for the SEC. The rest of the country doesn't believe in aggresive defense. To them, it's all about high powered scoring to out gun your opponents. Of course, if he were to coach USC then imagine how the media would respond. Tbey wouldn't know how to respond to the way he runs the media, and puts them in their place when they ask dumb questions. I believe that his super agent, JIMMY Sexton, knew that wouldn't be a good fit. Either way, he's landed himself in a program that he can build a dynasty.
geauxtigers225 said:
without a doubt, Saban made the right decision. We all know that his game was designed for the SEC. The rest of the country doesn't believe in aggresive defense. To them, it's all about high powered scoring to out gun your opponents. Of course, if he were to coach USC then imagine how the media would respond. Tbey wouldn't know how to respond to the way he runs the media, and puts them in their place when they ask dumb questions. I believe that his super agent, JIMMY Sexton, knew that wouldn't be a good fit. Either way, he's landed himself in a program that he can build a dynasty.

The media says it can't be done anymore. :wink:
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