| CURRENT EVENTS "WATCH: Pennsylvania State Representative @BrianSimsPA harasses an elderly woman peacefully advocating for the lives of preborn human beings..."

That guy is the worst kind of asshole. The holier than thou type. Many years ago, I didn't have much of an opinion on abortion. But, for the last 30 years I believe unborn babies should not be aborted, killed. If a pregnancy is unwanted, you should have used contraception or kept your panty on.
That guy is the worst kind of asshole. The holier than thou type. Many years ago, I didn't have much of an opinion on abortion. But, for the last 30 years I believe unborn babies should not be aborted, killed. If a pregnancy is unwanted, you should have used contraception or kept your panty on.
To me, it isn't about what she's doing or what stand she's taking. The same applies to him and his beliefs. (Whether I stand with one or the other isn't the point here.)

Simply put, you just don't treat people that way. I don't consider myself to be the most cordial person when it comes to dealing with others. But, I try to at least remain respectful and don't reign myself in as often as I should.

What can I say...biggest problem in the world today is the people in it, right? 😁

After I watched this video I couldn't escape thoughts on how I would have reacted if I had personally witnessed this confrontation. I strongly suspect emotions would be hard to keep in check. I keep coming back to the thought of how I should support the weaker ones of society (and this lady certainly held her own.)

Is it fair to label his behavior as "bullish." IE: A younger, stronger man bullying an elderly woman? I don't need to have abusive behavior defined. It's easy to recognize. But, in this PC world, is what we've just seen not the pure definition of bullying?
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