🌎 Video resurfaces..lol

There is a theory running around that Biden will step down in favor of Harris as soon as he can. That he is running basically to get her elected now. The more I see him, and especially after both saying Harris-Biden and Harris Administration instead of Biden-Harris and Biden Administration yesterday, the far-fetched seems more believable.

Been saying this for the longest time or he gives it a little while & then resigns because it has dawned on him that he can't perform the duties at hand... Doesn't surprise me in the least. After all truth is crazier than fiction.

And it absolutely blows my mind that any political party would make Biden the Presidential candidate. His speaking gaffs make Trumps running mouth seem like Winston Churchill eloquence.
You have to wonder why someone would lie about the simplest things... If a guy will flat out lie to get a vote...then your have to assume he won't back up anything he lies about to get voted in.

I saw a Biden sign the other day, it said leadership not politics. How the hell does an idiot put no politics on a sign for someone who's been a politician for 47 years. The logic here is just dumb.

That debate was like two kids hitting each other with pool noodles. Too bad the whole country believes that voting anything other than D/R is throwing your vote away, added to the fact that the third party choices this time are not very good. This would be the perfect election for a third option.
That debate was like two kids hitting each other with pool noodles. Too bad the whole country believes that voting anything other than D/R is throwing your vote away, added to the fact that the third party choices this time are not very good. This would be the perfect election for a third option.

Yeah, wife and I were talking about this on our drive to work today.

Not sure there are enough courageous people to vote 3rd party for it to matter. The D/R don't want a 3rd party and the system is essentially rigged to suppress them. But hell, we were courageous enough to vote in a non politician last election.

Last night was a shit show. Biden with his slang on the big stage is just weird. I don't like Biden at all and I don't understand why anyone would vote for him purely based on his 47 year record. He'll sell out to the extreme democrats, which is going to be a huge problem.
Okay even the left have to admit that Joe Biden is totally busted selling influence to some of our biggest worldwide adversaries. Plus it's not over yet.. I hear that there is much more being released as it is verified and secured. What twitter and Facebook are doing is criminal and they need to be held accountable.

To me this is a tipping point for even the most liberal.. this isnt hearsay or rumor.. this is 100% verified fact and not even the DNC is disputing these emails are real. Can you vote for a President who has willingly used his office as VP to sell political favors to our enemies? Do you not think this gives them direct influence over the United States government.. to trade, to intellectual property, jobs, military secrets and put everyone in the US at risk?

If you can now vote for this crook you are not an American you are a traitor.
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