Tuscaloosa/UA jobs


I mentioned on a previous thread that I was looking into grad school at Bama. Now, I am looking into possible employment in the area. I will be a college grad in 2 months (that's scary to say!) and I will be looking for employment. If I don't find a job, I will most likely go to China to teach English for a year. But I am weighing my options.

I would love to be able to work/learn at UA. I am researching job opportunities there now, and I found a few for academic advising/study abroad advising (which is what I would be interested in doing). But my dream is to work with a school's athletic department (my dream job would be a student athlete counselor/adviser).

Does anyone know about the employment process for UA? Or if there's anyone hiring in the area?
I'm not sure how or what exactly your details are....but Birmingham is 62 miles away. If you want to work FT and school PT or what. I know one of the big things UA is pushing right now is their MBA online. If you want to go to school at UA and work in B'ham that is a distinct possibility. It just all depends on the details of what exactly you want and how you want to live or where you want to live. UA constantly has jobs. DCH hospital is a major employer in the area as well.
UA website has a link to their staff job postings... like Doug said, they are always hiring... it's just a matter of what positions. I've been looking to get on with UA for about a year now, but haven't seen anything yet that I was willing to put in an app for. It seems with most of the jobs, you either have to start out in some position where you are way over qualified and don't get paid much and wait to move up to what you want over time... or you need to have connections... UA is a GOB networking mecca.
Does anyone know if they offer tuition/reduced tuition if you are an employee?

I don't know, but that is probably your only angle to avoid the out of State tuition hit. You would probably have to be a full time employee. To get away from the out of State tuition, you'd have to live in Bama for year, work full time and then apply.

I don't know if you are officially a Maryland or Virginia resident (and not PA any more), but if you are pursuing a unique degree a regional exchange might be an option. http://www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html

Good luck. I understand the rationale for out of state tuition, but it's a real killer for many students.


Thanks for all of the advice/links, everyone.

My current field is a BA in sociology and a minor in Chinese language. I want to get a Masters in either Academic Counseling or a graduate certificate in Sports Management (UA has both).

I will be applying for Overseas Study Academic Adviser. It literally sounds like the perfect job for me (I mean, it already is because it's at BAMA) because it has to do with international stuff (I studied abroad in China, and work with an international education program right now), and because I want to go into advising/counseling. I'm hoping those bits will help push me forward in the process.

I will be applying tomorrow. And praying/dreaming/hoping for the next couple weeks ..
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