Tornado anyone?


Verified Member
Took this just before hauling ass inside. It ended up going over the house and the touching back down at the Alabaster mall. Crazy nuts. This is the 3rd weekend in a row where a tornado or funnel cloud has been within 10 miles of my house.

It got cold as hell and windy like a mofo. Sky was going nuts. Clouds were going all over the place. I took video but I'll have to upload it. Hail came down just after it passed by. No damage other than my neighbors underpinning to the siding came off and blew in my yard.

Looks like more are on the way. Stay safe everyone!

This thing was huge! Pic doesn't do it justice.

I had one come within a couple of miles of my place... Doemasters and I awaited its arrival on my deck, but it skipped on by. One did chase Bama1966 down the road in MS while he was on the way to our house... he snapped a few cell phone pics.
we just got pelted with golf balls last Monday here north of Dallas for almost 10 mins. totaled the roof, all 20 windows on the west side of the house need to be replaced, gutters almost completely around the house look like someone took a hammer to them.

what a huge pain in the arse this is. I couldn't imagine dealing with the aftermath of a tornado...

hope everyone is ok.
I was wondering what that storm was about until I saw it on the news that night. It went crazy around the motel I was in Friday. It was starting to remind me of a Hurricane.
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