The true meaning of Christmas


HEY Get up your killing the grass!
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and not to have a substitute for a happy holiday or merry xmas. I heard a democratic commentator say on TV this morning say to have a happy holiday. DUH this holiday is Christmas. It is a Christmas Tree not a Holiday tree. We are a fortunate country that can express our beliefs and our desires in hope that all of our friends and countrymen can enjoy the belief in the miracle of the birth of Christ without persecution. This is not just a myth but a fact that Jesus lived. You may be a believer or not, but the facts are from history that Jesus lived. Some have said that he was not God on earth but just a great prophet. You can go there, but I have finally found out that there cannot be any other choice that is rational or makes sense.

In my life I have been all over the place with whether I was a true believer or not. I have recently realized that it doesn't matter if I am a believer. No one will judge me or condemn me if I am or am not. There are many people that have an alternate view of my religion. I cannot judge them or will not even try to persuade them to my way. It is not important to me. I know that all of us would have an epiphany and cry our hearts out if we knew that it was a concrete fact that God came to earth in the form of Jesus just to save our sorry ass.

Think about it for a moment. If God returned to earth today in the clouds, we would all become a believer because we would have facts to prove it. If it is a true fact, then we have to be joyful and thankful. If it is not a true fact, then we have nothing on this earth to look forward to but a granite marker with just a few clever words..... I think I will believe with faith.

I want to submit this prayer for all of you, that you may be blessed. You may look for a sign or an event to help you or to make you more confident with your conviction. I submit that you are probably ok with what you believe now or you may have pause at what I am saying.... This prayer just says that may you rejoice that Jesus came to earth to save all of us from our sins. We can only believe from faith. The facts are clear. He did come to earth as God on earth and the forgiver of our sins or as some have said a great prophet. You have the freedom to choose which one. May you choose wisely. Amen, Merry Christmas and a Happy Roll Tide year.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and not to have a substitute for a happy holiday or merry xmas. I heard a democratic commentator say on TV this morning say to have a happy holiday. DUH this holiday is Christmas. It is a Christmas Tree not a Holiday tree. We are a fortunate country that can express our beliefs and our desires in hope that all of our friends and countrymen can enjoy the belief in the miracle of the birth of Christ without persecution. This is not just a myth but a fact that Jesus lived. You may be a believer or not, but the facts are from history that Jesus lived. Some have said that he was not God on earth but just a great prophet. You can go there, but I have finally found out that there cannot be any other choice that is rational or makes sense.

In my life I have been all over the place with whether I was a true believer or not. I have recently realized that it doesn't matter if I am a believer. No one will judge me or condemn me if I am or am not. There are many people that have an alternate view of my religion. I cannot judge them or will not even try to persuade them to my way. It is not important to me. I know that all of us would have an epiphany and cry our hearts out if we knew that it was a concrete fact that God came to earth in the form of Jesus just to save our sorry ass.

Think about it for a moment. If God returned to earth today in the clouds, we would all become a believer because we would have facts to prove it. If it is a true fact, then we have to be joyful and thankful. If it is not a true fact, then we have nothing on this earth to look forward to but a granite marker with just a few clever words..... I think I will believe with faith.

I want to submit this prayer for all of you, that you may be blessed. You may look for a sign or an event to help you or to make you more confident with your conviction. I submit that you are probably ok with what you believe now or you may have pause at what I am saying.... This prayer just says that may you rejoice that Jesus came to earth to save all of us from our sins. We can only believe from faith. The facts are clear. He did come to earth as God on earth and the forgiver of our sins or as some have said a great prophet. You have the freedom to choose which one. May you choose wisely. Amen, Merry Christmas and a Happy Roll Tide year.
I agree with the premise of your post, save for one thing. I say Xmas all the time when typing, because the letter "X" is actually Greek for the word "Cristo", or Christ in English.

Just an abbreviation, Bruh.

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I agree with the premise of your post, save for one thing. I say Xmas all the time when typing, because the letter "X" is actually Greek for the word "Cristo", or Christ in English.

Just an abbreviation, Bruh.

Sent from my ASUS ZenFone 2E using Tapatalk

Early in my career I was in the clothing business. There is a lot of Jews in that business and that was how many of them used the Xmas instead of Christmas. It is their belief that the Messiah has not yet arrived on earth. Most Jewish run stores will use Xmas or Happy Holidays to be inclusive to all people. The point of my post is you can't be inclusive to all people to be politically correct just for money or business. The Holiday is called Christmas because of the birth of Christ. The traditions that go with it should be remembered just for that. If you want to throw a happy holiday in there so you can include people that are not christian or don't believe, then you are just being a money monger trying to tag along to the Christmas Holiday. I have heard stories about the Xmas abbreviation but I ain't buying it.

The Greek word for Jesus Christ is Χριστός or Christós to be correct. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about the use of X with Christmas. It just pisses Christians off. So go ahead and use it. It won't bother the Muslims, Jews, or non believers.

[B said:
Use of "X" for "Christ"[edit][/B]For the article about the χρ symbol, see Chi Rho.

The labarum, often called the Chi-Rho, is a Christiansymbol representing Christ.
The abbreviation of Christmas as "Xmas" is the source of disagreement among Christians who observe the holiday. Dennis Bratcher, writing for a website for Christians, states "there are always those who loudly decry the use of the abbreviation 'Xmas' as some kind of blasphemy against Christ and Christianity".[16] Among them are evangelist Franklin Graham and CNN journalist Roland S. Martin. Graham stated in an interview:

"for us as Christians, this is one of the most holy of the holidays, the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. And for people to take Christ out of Christmas. They're happy to say merry Xmas. Let's just take Jesus out. And really, I think, a war against the name of Jesus Christ."[17]
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