| FTBL The Nick Saban Show.

Running into the kicker was definately questionable.

Roughing the passer was the right call. It had already happened several times and not been called.

The bigger point is that I hope no one focuses on a few questionable calls. There were several that were questionable on the other side of the ball.
imatigerfan said:
Running into the kicker was definately questionable.

Roughing the passer was the right call. It had already happened several times and not been called.

The bigger point is that I hope no one focuses on a few questionable calls. There were several that were questionable on the other side of the ball.

True but those were near the end of the game when it seemed Auburn got all the calls...or maybe it just seemed that way. Roughing the passer should have been called several times with JPW taking the hit. Its the iron bowl....that is why they were not called and the last one was "iffy".
I don't think bad calls one way or the other greatly influenced this game. Correctly called, stupid mistakes certainly did.

It's rare for me to NOT criticize the refs, but I thought their combination of iffy calls and right-on calls was just about as balanced as it could get. We were the least penalized team in the conference this entire season, something to be proud of. When we least needed it Saturday night, we committed a dumb one.

Goodbye class of '08!
I don't think bad calls one way or the other greatly influenced this game. Correctly called, stupid mistakes certainly did.

It's rare for me to NOT criticize the refs, but I thought their combination of iffy calls and right-on calls was just about as balanced as it could get. We were the least penalized team in the conference this entire season, something to be proud of. When we least needed it Saturday night, we committed a dumb one.

Goodbye class of '08!

That is about how I feel. There were several holdings not called, and a block in the back that was not called, but either way I don't think penalties really changed this game. We can go all day about what should or shouldn't have been called, but when it comes down to it, the team that did the best won the game(though neither really were any good)
There was a bad holding call on the long punt return they had.I was screaming at the TV and my barner wife. It is just funny to me that they do not understand why they have won 6 in a row and that it is going to stop. :D
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