🏈 The BEAUTIFUL thing about this season so far...


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we haven't used a single gimmick or trick play to this point. That means that when we do get hit hard by the opponent, we can strike with something that nobody but our squad has seen. That's right, I'm talking about plays to Maze, Scott, Jones and other freakish athletes that other teams just don't have. Hopefully we don't need to use them this week, but just in case we do, look forward to some new stuff!
I don't think Saban is in to trick plays. He might do something sneaky like bust off with a formation or offensive set that we haven't run. (Sort of like Bryant opening up with the wishbone back in the 70'w) but I don't think we will see a trick play.

When I think of trick plays I think of stuff like the fumblerooski or something like Arkansas first td on Saturday where the TE that caught the ball basically laid down on the play then got up and ran into the endzone with no one around to catch that pass. Saban is about busting somebody in the mouth. He wants to beat you physically. I want to say that I heard him in an interview stating something about trickery might help you win some games, but it is not something you can count on when you want to win consistently.

Of course I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist of what he was saying.
I agree. I think we've yet to see the majority of the playbook. We've been able to mostly line up and run at the defense so far, I have a feeling we'll be seeing some new formations and some players that have been quiet will make some noise in this Georgia game...that's barring another Clemson "take what the defense gives you" and we just run up and down the field again.
Great point, but this is how all the great programs do it. You would not see teams like LSU doing On-Side Kicks at crazy times, or UF with Jump Passes at the goal line. Teams like this are so sound that they don't need them. When we grow up, I want to be just like them. ^^sar
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