| FTBL Terry Bowden says Tommy didn't meet expectations

It's bad when your own brother is bashing you. It's well deserved though, Clemson has a ton of talent and the results so far are not acceptable. Im glad we did our part in making them look bad though
Dang...IMO I think I could have refrained from kicking my own brother when he was down...And like previously mentioned...Im not so sure he has too much room to talk. Is it safe to say the Bowden family is done with coaching :?: I think so...No big time programs will come calling. Maybe some smaller schools. Bobby needs to quit..hes killing their recruiting. He was awesome in his prime...but that time has long since passed.
Man, that's harsh, nowing how you feel on the inside after being fired. Terry knows it, and one has to wonder if he feels a little vindicated now. Still, Once a teams' confidence is taken (thanks Bama) it can be hard to get it back. The nature of NCAA football requires you to get it back in less than a weeks time. Tough for young kids.
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