Sweet Heat Buffalo Wings/3-Peat Jalapeno Wings


I should have posted this before the Super Bowl/National Championship...

This is my Buffalo Wing recipe I've been using for awhile...

You'll need wings (or sliced up chicken breast which ever you would prefer cause this works awesome for chicken tenders too), flour (or whatever breading you want), Franks Red Hot WING Sauce (or Crystal's Wing Sauce), butter/margarine, and brown sugar. Pour a bottle of the wing sauce in a pan on the stove, put it on medium-low and then melt a table spoon of butter and mix it into the sauce. When the sauce is heated up then take a table spoon of brown sugar and mix it up really good and after a couple of minutes turn off the sauce and mix it up again. After you fried the wings (or tenders) then toss them in the sauce and enjoy! Will simple but awesome.

3-Peat Jalapeno Wings
Get your wings (you're gonna wanna have FULL wings for this one, dont cut them up like you usually would for buffalo wings), cajun seasoning, butter, jalapenos (it depends on how many wings you're gonna cook). First you take your cajun seasoning (or maybe a cajun rub you like) and put it on the wings. Stick em in the fridge for 20 minutes and while they're in the fridge go fire up the grill. When you take the wings out let them set at get to about room temperature and then toss em on the grill. Let em sit for 5 minutes on each side and then go inside and put em in the oven the rest of the way. Bout 20-25 minutes a piece on each side. While they're cooking go ahead and slice up your jalapenos. When the wings are done cooking take a pan and heat it up and melt two table spoons of butter in it and as the butter is melting add in the cajun seasoning and then the jalapenos and toss your first two wings in and make sure you toss up around pretty good in there, you're not cooking the wings anymore you just want to pretty much make this your sauce. After you're satisfied take the wings out and pour the left over sauce and jalapeno slices onto the wings. Repeat this process for how ever many wings you have left. Yea this is a ton of hassle, it really is, but man are they awesome.
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