Surprised in St Louis


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Admittedly, being Canadian with not too much free time, I haven't visited many states of the SEC, but I was nonetheless surprised this weekend while exhibiting at a Tradeshow in downtown St Louis. In contrast to places in Alabama I have been, there is a real lack of Mizz love and support there. Most of the Louies I met and saw (sports clothing) sure love those puck ball Blues and that sport where guys with a stick whack a ball into a pie-shaped field and other guys run for the ball like hunting dogs after a fallen duck. But hardly saw any Mizz fandom (or Rams for that matter), and only met one person who could even talk MIzz on a fan level. Compared to being in Alabama.... wholly chyte!!

Also, during the Trade Show I met a handful of guys from Alabama and gave them a "Roll Tide", only to get the response, "I'm an Auburn fan". And the conversation kinda fizzled from there. Actually I guess it was kind of my fault. If they had been Bama fans, they would have had, like myself, some sort of visible team support I.D. on them like a necklace or a lanyard. Guess we can't expect that from the other guys. I did however, meet an elderly woman from Tuscaloosa who was brought over to my booth because her granddaughter just had to introduce her to a Bama fan from Canada. We had a spirited talk, she played me her Bama ring tone, and talked the coming season briefly before business intervened. LOL. I guess the point of it is, is.... Tide fans are really, really in a class of devotion & pride second to no one. It makes one proud and warm & tingly inside to be a part of it all even if one is from another country!
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If I had to guess, St Louis and Kansas City are more of a pro sports town. I've only passed through St Louis, I've never stayed there for an extended period of time. I would imagine its like most big cities, it has alot of people from other states and thus lots of fans from all over. Not surprised there aren't alot of people wearing Rams gear, they haven't had a winning season in 10 years.

Had you went to Alabama during the Shula years, you'd probably had seen more Auburn colors than Alabama colors. Always pissed me off every time I visited family.

So, did you go see the arch? What all did you do in St Louis as a tourist?
I've got friends from St. Louis, they say it's mostly a Cardinals town. Not too much Rams love, as they are a more recent addition (and also suck). The Blues, I imagine, are big right now due to their big year. My friends are Mizzou fans but not crazily so.
i guess i'll never understand fair weather fans.

if you're gonna be a fan of a team, then be a damn fan and don't make anyone try and guess of which team you are a fan.

i wear a 'BAMA shirt and i wear my 'BAMA hat every damn day. i also wear my 'BAMA fossil watch every damn day. there is no doubt about which team (or school, as it were) i support.

i never could stand those people that only like their team or talk about their team when they're doing well. if you're one of those, then get the hell out and don't even try to talk to me about it (not directed at anyone here, obviously.
So yesterday, I was getting some brackets for a gate on my 8' board on board wood fence I've been building. A guy was in there with an Alabama shirt, naturally I said Roll Tide to him...he was Hispanic and didn't respond. I just laughed...
So yesterday, I was getting some brackets for a gate on my 8' board on board wood fence I've been building. A guy was in there with an Alabama shirt, naturally I said Roll Tide to him...he was Hispanic and didn't respond. I just laughed...

I've seen several folks in Alabama gear, of all ages, shapes, sizes, etc. and maybe 1/4 of them understand when I say "roll tide". The rest look confused or look at me like I'm crazy.
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