A fat girl was sitting on a bar stool. I said "Nice legs". She said "You really think so?". I said "Hell yeah, most bar stools would have collapse under that much weight."

Cost me 8 stitches.
I was giving the business to a fat chick the other day and I asked her if we could turn out the light and she asked, "Why? Is it too bright?"
To which I replied, "Naw, it's burning my ass."

Cost me 7 stitches.
That one took me a minute.
She's so fat that when climbing up on her, he was close enough to the light that it burned his ass.

Team Cornwell

-Sent via Tapatalk for Android

Hm, ok. I guess I didn't get it because it doesn't make sense. If they're having sex, he wouldn't be on top of her in a way that her being fat would do that. I can't think of a normal sexual position where a guy "climbs on top." When the guy is "on top," he's really just at her crotch. Her having a giant belly wouldn't affect that. Same goes if he was behind her.
Hm, ok. I guess I didn't get it because it doesn't make sense. If they're having sex, he wouldn't be on top of her in a way that her being fat would do that. I can't think of a normal sexual position where a guy "climbs on top." When the guy is "on top," he's really just at her crotch. Her having a giant belly wouldn't affect that. Same goes if he was behind her.
Quit engineering the damn joke.

It's funny as

Team Cornwell

-Sent via Tapatalk for Android
Hm, ok. I guess I didn't get it because it doesn't make sense. If they're having sex, he wouldn't be on top of her in a way that her being fat would do that. I can't think of a normal sexual position where a guy "climbs on top." When the guy is "on top," he's really just at her crotch. Her having a giant belly wouldn't affect that. Same goes if he was behind her.
I suggest you not visiting this thread. It will just bring you frustration.
True story . I was sitting in a local dive one night, and a chair collapsed while this big girl was sitting in it. The brt tender walked over to her, and the first words out of his mouth was, "ever considered salads?"
Hm, ok. I guess I didn't get it because it doesn't make sense. If they're having sex, he wouldn't be on top of her in a way that her being fat would do that. I can't think of a normal sexual position where a guy "climbs on top." When the guy is "on top," he's really just at her crotch. Her having a giant belly wouldn't affect that. Same goes if he was behind her.
You're over-thinking, Snout.
Hm, ok. I guess I didn't get it because it doesn't make sense. If they're having sex, he wouldn't be on top of her in a way that her being fat would do that. I can't think of a normal sexual position where a guy "climbs on top." When the guy is "on top," he's really just at her crotch. Her having a giant belly wouldn't affect that. Same goes if he was behind her.
Why am I suddenly remembering the scene in Stand by Me where the kids are arguing over who would win in a fight between Superman and Mighty Mouse?
Che is more or less quoting the kids' conclusion on the subject from Stand by Me, not necessarily offering his personal opinion. The kids wouldn't have known about Roger Rabbit, and I have no idea as to Che's actual convictions regarding the Superman-Mighty Mouse conundrum.

Or, more succinctly....

Never seen Stand by Me?
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