| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Star Wars discussion (SPOILERS)

What was your opinion on the movie? I loved it. Felt a lot like a New Hope with the new mega death star, but so much more action and intensity.

One thing that blew me away was Ren's temper tantrums. Each time he failed, he would destroy everything around him. He's definitely going to be the most intriguing character to me because how he's being succumbed to the dark side.
What was your opinion on the movie? I loved it. Felt a lot like a New Hope with the new mega death star, but so much more action and intensity.

One thing that blew me away was Ren's temper tantrums. Each time he failed, he would destroy everything around him. He's definitely going to be the most intriguing character to me because how he's being succumbed to the dark side.
You mean Ben don't you.:D What about the girl Rey, I told my grandson that Luke daughter, not one time was it said. Until Leia say this to Rey as she is leaving to find Luke "Keep the Force with you". I guess we will have to wait till the new one come out?
Good humor mixed with good dialogue and great characters. Something that was sadly missing from the prequels. Also the way they handled Rey's awakening was perfect. Only when she was calm could she really use her powers. Also, Harrison finally got his wish, for Han to die. He wanted the carbonite to be his death. Not because he did not want to be in any other movies but he felt that bringing him back in ROTJ cheapened ESB.
More than likely Rey is Luke's daughter. Following the same path Luke took, she was sent to a remote desert planet to protect her until she was ready. Kylo probably killed her mother and/or siblings in the attack on Luke's training location. The lightsaber that belonged to Anakin and Luke calling to her, coming to her over Kylo Ren, her quick mastery of elements of the force, all point to a lineage with Luke, and it adds to the mirroring back to the original films (cousin vs cousin instead of father vs son). I think her mother may have been a Jedi also.

I get the feeling that even though the Expanded Universe is not canon anymore that parts of ideas from it are being pushed forward in different ways. In the EU Luke was married to Mara Jade who was also a Jedi Master. Mara and Luke had a son, Ben Skywalker. Instead, in the new series, Kylo Ren's real name is Ben and he is son of Han and Leia. In the EU, Jacen Solo (Han and Leai's kid) had trained Ben Skywalker in the Force before turning to the Dark Side and murdering Mara Jade. Too many plot points from the EU showing up in mixed format for their not to be leakage between the two.

Snoke may be Darth Plagueis, who was mention by Palpatine in the prequels as his master. There are some argument for that and some against it but it is an interesting idea. Plageuis had power over life and death and may have survived Palpatines assassination attempt without Palpatine knowing.

A lot of people are complaining that this is too much like a reboot of the first film. Yes, much of the story is similar, but I believe this is a story of how history repeats itself and will end on how it finally gets done right. The whole Force thing has been about Balance ever since it was fully fleshed out as an idea. The same types of things are going to happen until that balance is achieved.
I was under the impression that Plagues was a myth, and Palpatine made it up to seduce Anakin to the dark side. And I enjoy knowing this is kind of a doppelganger of A New Hope. You get to see the characters unfold and grow.

Anyways, Kylo is exactly was Anakin was supposed to be in the prequels. Powerful, sporadic temper tantrums when he fails. An internal fight with the light and dark. Cannot wait to see his story unfold, especially now that he's going to finish his training. I imagine we'll see the next film showing how the general saved Kylo. I would love for them to open up the next film showing how he turned dark. Kind of like in LOTR ROTK. They opened with Smeagul when he was good and showed how the ring poisoned his mind. Something like that and showing him destroy the Jedi temple with Luke would be awesome.
Good humor mixed with good dialogue and great characters. Something that was sadly missing from the prequels. Also the way they handled Rey's awakening was perfect. Only when she was calm could she really use her powers. Also, Harrison finally got his wish, for Han to die. He wanted the carbonite to be his death. Not because he did not want to be in any other movies but he felt that bringing him back in ROTJ cheapened ESB.

I kind of hated that scene when she found that calming herself would only strengthen her use of the force. Between a light saber battle, it was awkward IMO. I know Kylo was trying to persuade her to the dark side, but the whole scene was "meh" to me. Also didn't liek when she used to jedi mind trick to escape. If she hardly knew about the force beforehand, how did she know that she could do that?
I kind of hated that scene when she found that calming herself would only strengthen her use of the force. Between a light saber battle, it was awkward IMO. I know Kylo was trying to persuade her to the dark side, but the whole scene was "meh" to me. Also didn't liek when she used to jedi mind trick to escape. If she hardly knew about the force beforehand, how did she know that she could do that?

I'm not too sure how she figured it out but maybe she experienced something that made her think maybe she could.

Plus with that scene , don't know if anyone knew this but, Daniel Craig's Secret Cameo in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Revealed (SPOILERS)

Did Daniel Craig defeat SPECTRE only to join the First Order? Turns out that rumors of a Craig cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens are true — and if you’ve seen the film, you’ll be delighted to learn which baddie he plays. (So stop reading if you haven’t seen the movie!)

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the James Bond actor plays a Stormtrooper in a pivotal (and very funny) Force Awakens scene. At one point, heroine Rey (Daisy Ridley) is taken captive by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who believes he can use the Force to extract some top-secret information from her brain. When Kylo leaves the room, she attempts to use the Force herself, to escape from the Stormtrooper who is guarding her. The scene is an homage to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s “Jedi mind trick” from A New Hope (“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for,” remember?) And, according to EW, the trooper is none other than Craig.

What makes this piece of news especially fun is how adamantly Craig denied it while promoting SPECTRE this summer. Even though Simon Pegg (who also has a Force Awakens cameo) spilled the beans to the London Sunand SPECTRE was filming concurrently with The Force Awakens at London’s Pinewood studios, giving Craig ample opportunities to drop by — Craig insisted that the report was rubbish. “Why would I ever bother doing something like that?” he snapped at EW in July. “F—ing hell! Pffft. Play an extra in another movie?”
I'm not too sure how she figured it out but maybe she experienced something that made her think maybe she could.

Plus with that scene , don't know if anyone knew this but, Daniel Craig's Secret Cameo in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Revealed (SPOILERS)

Did Daniel Craig defeat SPECTRE only to join the First Order? Turns out that rumors of a Craig cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens are true — and if you’ve seen the film, you’ll be delighted to learn which baddie he plays. (So stop reading if you haven’t seen the movie!)

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the James Bond actor plays a Stormtrooper in a pivotal (and very funny) Force Awakens scene. At one point, heroine Rey (Daisy Ridley) is taken captive by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who believes he can use the Force to extract some top-secret information from her brain. When Kylo leaves the room, she attempts to use the Force herself, to escape from the Stormtrooper who is guarding her. The scene is an homage to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s “Jedi mind trick” from A New Hope (“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for,” remember?) And, according to EW, the trooper is none other than Craig.

What makes this piece of news especially fun is how adamantly Craig denied it while promoting SPECTRE this summer. Even though Simon Pegg (who also has a Force Awakens cameo) spilled the beans to the London Sunand SPECTRE was filming concurrently with The Force Awakens at London’s Pinewood studios, giving Craig ample opportunities to drop by — Craig insisted that the report was rubbish. “Why would I ever bother doing something like that?” he snapped at EW in July. “F—ing hell! Pffft. Play an extra in another movie?”

That's hilarious.
I kind of hated that scene when she found that calming herself would only strengthen her use of the force. Between a light saber battle, it was awkward IMO. I know Kylo was trying to persuade her to the dark side, but the whole scene was "meh" to me. Also didn't liek when she used to jedi mind trick to escape. If she hardly knew about the force beforehand, how did she know that she could do that?

She knew who Han Solo was, she knew about the Falcon(although she never suspected she was flying it), she knew the legends of the Jedi but thought they were only legends. She was not that good at resisting Kylo's mind probing until she reached a calm, at which point she gained the upper hand in the "mind meld". I am sure she had heard stories about the Jedi Mind Trick. It failed at first, until she calmed herself. Much like Luke calming himself to block the training droid in the first scenes upon the Falcon and then later when turning off his targeting computer and letting the Force guide his shot. The Light side let's the Force guide them, the Dark side tries to dominate it and wield it like a weapon. In the saber fight, Kylo thought she was thinking of what he proposed, her letting him train her, instead she was calming herself and letting the Force take control. Also, if you are worried about her being untrained and besting Kylo, he is also not that trained yet, hence the idea of him being brought back to finish his training. He also was wounded in that saber fight, from Chewie's shot to his side.

In a very real way, the Force is like religious faith. Think of ideals such as letting God control you, leading to songs like "Jesus Take The Wheel".
This is the latest list of dates I have seen. Some are just years at present but the expectation is they are going to be around Memorial Day. This one was released around Christmas only because they could not make this Memorial Day and did not want to wait until next year.

December 16th, 2016 - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
May 26th, 2017 - Star Wars: Episode VIII
May 25th, 2018 - Star Wars Anthology: Han Solo
2019 - Star Wars: Episode IX
2020 - Star Wars Anthology: Boba Fett
Maybe Rey is Luke's daughter. Luke may have fall in love, she becomes the star of the Jedi temple, Ren is frustrated due to fact that she stole the thunder, unleashes holy hell on them, kills her, and Luke puts Rey on Jakku so Ren cannot kill her.
I wasn’t really crazy about it. For me, it just rehashed too many things I’ve already seen in the previous movies. Is it impossible to make a good Star Wars movie without simultaneous light saber duel / X-wings blowing up a big, planet destroying base at the end? Same story I’ve seen before only the Death Star was bigger and the hero was a little more overmatched in the light saber duel.
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