🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 So, what's the "correct" thing to do today? What time do you start to use your string trimmer, lawn mower, blower...


Ya know, one of those "unwritten rules" I've gone by is not to start lawn work until at least 8 in the AM. "It's polite," was the matra, right?

But it dawns on me this morning ...

Here is is before 8 and the garbage truck has already come by. The trash truck, for construction and large debris, has been through as well: both before 8 and both louder than my mower or any other yard tool.

Where's the invisible line drawn today?
around here, lately, you can start at 6:00 am and be good.

they're doing construction on my road (installing a new sewer line to the new school they're building at the other end of the street)...and they start at 6:00 am every day (monday through thursday). and they...are...LOUD. they have a huge excavator that they use to dig down to anywhere between 15 to 25 feet. and they have a breaker (think ginormous jackhammer) that they can put on the end of it to break up big rocks. and when they use that thing, it literally shakes my entire house. and i mean "literally".

and what really sux is they have to go all the way down my road...which is about 1/8 of a mile. that may not seem like a long way...but when they move at a pace of about 10 feet a day.....

this is middle of the road where they started digging a couple weeks ago...this is right beside my house (i live on a corner). this road is maybe a 1/2 block long and they have to make the turn onto the road that runs in front of my house. in the second picture here, the bottom looks like it was about 25 feet deep.



this is further down that road (maybe 40 feet, or so. i was standing on my front porch when i took this one.


and this is the ginormous breaker they use to break up big rocks or dig through rocky layers. this part is about 8-9 feet long.


edit: i forgot to mention that these guys are from kentucky. they stop every thursday around noon so they can drive back home...to kentucky...for the weekend. what kind of crazy-ass shit is that? and week before last, they worked longer on thursday than normal. when asked, they said they had to work later than usual 'cause they were behind. well no shit! stop knocking off early on thursday, keep working until friday, and maybe get finished on time...or even a little early.
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personally, i usually don't start mine until about 10:00 or so...no matter if it's a weekday or the weekend. lately, though, i haven't had to do too much. since it hasn't rained a whole lot, the grass isn't growing as fast.
Before we started work on the house at the lake, I had to have two trees taken down that I wasn't comfortable taking myself (I cut perhaps 30, including some really large ones that had plenty of room to fall), one large hickory leaning toward my neighbor's dock and a huge pine just off my other neighbor's property line. I told the tree guy I'd meet him at 6:30 on the lot. He called about 6:25 as I was almost there, already done with felling them both, cutting them up and skidding them up the hill with his bobcat. When I got there, he said, "I may woken up your neighbors..."
If the grass is wet, it more than likely isn't getting cut, regardless of the time. I don't bag and hate clumps in the yard. That's the primary factor for me in cutting grass, next would be outside temperature. Typically I cut grass in the evening.

8am is a reasonable start time in my opinion. I'm usually up and at it prior to 5am everyday.
I started weed eating this past Saturday around 9am but did everything behind the house which is over 300 ft. deep. I work in the back until the first tank of fuel is gone, take a short break, lay out the yard with the riding mower and then refuel the weed eater to finish up on the sides and front. The good thing about living where I do is that the houses on either side of us is over 250 feet away and the people across the road are up early.
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