So what's on your Thanksgiving menu?

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
My favorite meal of the year (though our Christmas dinner is pretty much the same stuff so I love it too).

Having my Mom's incredible cornbread dressing (which was my Grandmother's recipe), I'll smoke a turkey, was going to smoke a ham too but opted for a Honey Baked Ham instead to save on time, fried okra, hash brown casserole, and my Mom's awesome coconut and chocolate pie. There will be other stuff too, but mostly vegetable stuff that doesn't interest me and pumpkin pie, which quite frankly disgusts me.
Porter, we have a similar dinner as you.

My wife uses her mom's recipe for cornbread dressing and it is the best. I'll buy a BBQ turkey breast from Whitt's BBQ and a Honey Baked ham as well. Greenbeans wrapped in bacon, crock pot buttermilk mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, mac and cheese, and the best sour cream coconut cake, strawberry cake and strawberry pretzel salad. I'll gain 3 to 4 lbs. But it's worth it.
We are going to my sister's, so the only thing I know about dinner is my wife is making strawberry pretzel salad and a hot dish of some sort, but I'm taking a bottle of Pinot Noir and a bottle of Chardonnay for dinner.
We have a simple little dinner now a days since it is just 3 of us getting together. I'll be making some pistachio salad to take over. Usually there is also sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole and maybe something else with the usual turkey ,dressing, & cranberry sauce. For Christmas we have ham instead of turkey.
change of plans... looks like turkey enchiladas....

my wife has a bad habit of trying out new stuff when we're having company over. looks like we're going to keep up that tradition.
All from scratch
Stuff the turkey and surround it with various root vegetables and roast it. (I graze on the root veggies)
Cornbread dressing and giblet gravy
Mac n Cheese
Sweet potato casserole
Deviled eggs
Store bought cheese cake and pecan pie
Corn bread

Homemade Mac-n-cheese casserole

Sweet potato casserole

Homemade pecan pie

Mash potatoes with brown gravy (I hate giblet gravy)

Dressing with ham, turkey, and bacon in it. And yes, it is delicious

Smoked turkey

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