So, have you ever dealt with Comcast "Customer Service"???

They suck. I'd go without TV/internet before I went back to them. They somehow set up 2 accounts with us several years back and it took them months to fix the issue. We had to pay 2 bills each month to keep from getting late fees. They are horrid.
I have not dealt with them, but bad customer service on the 800 numbers has gotten to be the norm. UVERSE is fully as bad as Comcast IMO, when it comes to customer service.
I remember seeing a top 10 list on the news about a year ago of the worst companies in the US in terms of customer service... the entire list was pretty much exclusively cable/internet providers and airlines.
The heavy accents and cultural communication gaps of foreign phone support are what kills me. If you ever are forced to speak to Delta on the phone, as soon as you get someone from the Indian subcontinent on the line, ask for the "reissue desk". It's where you get sent if things are really fouled up with a reservation or for complex rebookings, and it's all-American, all the time. With other foreign "help" desks, I just say "I can't understand you" three or four times and usually get someone who can speak English.
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