So besides Alabama football

thats cool, always enjoy taking pictures of retrievers

Lance, you know my past times! I've been putting new line on a few reels this morning/afternoon. It's 75°, small breeze, and the striped bass are hitting: I'd call it fair. Just goofing off in the boat the other day we saw quite a bit of bird action in some fairly shallow waters.

I'm actually a little shocked I'm not golfing today.
i know this is great fishing weather, if it just stays this way for a few more weeks i will go out and do a little bass fishing myself because those bass should really be big this time of year
i know this is great fishing weather, if it just stays this way for a few more weeks i will go out and do a little bass fishing myself because those bass should really be big this time of year

It was hard to judge because of where the sun was that day. But, even with the reflection I'm figuring the smallest one we saw was probably 9-11". It shouldn't be too hard to get a few 2, 3 pounders in a small amount of time.
I enjoy some movies but only go to the theater for the ones I am really looking forward to. The main ones I am going to see in theaters this year are Prometheus, The Hobbit, The Avengers, and Skyfall (aka Bond 23).

Other than movies,I tend to do some reading while resting when off from work (Walmart).
I enjoy some movies but only go to the theater for the ones I am really looking forward to. The main ones I am going to see in theaters this year are Prometheus, The Hobbit, The Avengers, and Skyfall (aka Bond 23).

Other than movies,I tend to do some reading while resting when off from work (Walmart).

Not going to Dark Knight Rises? I'm interested to see how Nolan ends it.
i cant even remember the last movie i went to, i tend to lose focus to easily and have to be doing a few things at once

It's been years since I've been to the theater. No, let me change that. It's been years since I've been to a theater and didn't fall to sleep during the movie. It's my freakin' work schedule that kills me. Hell, went to sleep in Iron Man II.

I used to watch most movies through megaupload...that is, until those jokers got arrested a few days ago.

Misspelled "camping party".

Define camping. You have your phone? Tent?

A few months from now a few of us are headed back out to one of the islands on Lake Marion.

This is a pic from the island we stay on...normally Weds. nite through Sunday AM.


You literally have to be right in front of that opening to see our camp site. Last year we set up four tents, cleared out about 10000 sq feet, and goofed off for days on end. I like the privacy of that spot...don't have to worry about people boating by and "seeing what we might be doing." It's not always "within the law."
Well, when there's not Bama football there is Bama hoops and Bama gymnastics.I tend to get into old NCIS episodes on USA. In season I enjoy yard work. I also enjoy camping (with cell phone and tent) and hiking.
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