| FTBL Slightly off topic: New developments around BDS...


When you click on the click, take your cursor and place in on the picture itself. You'll be able to slide the picture back and forth to get the full scope of what it entails.

It'll really make the area around BDS look incredible!


I started hearing rumors about this last season and they had died down a bit but I noticed there is now a sales office in place. To note, I also heard that Humphrey's wasn't retained to design it...but the designs should be similar.

From what I understand, the bottom floor is where they plan to have the retail establishments. Think restaurants, bookstores, that kind of environment. Then housing above it with some for rent, some for sale, etc.

Dr. Witt has had a goal of making the University more appealing to visiting families and students. If this comes together it's going to make the area around our stadium one of the nicest in the nation, if not the nicest.

To give you an idea of where it will be, plans have it running from University Blvd. to Bryant Drive. (Rama Jama's would remain there...talk about a wise investment, the guy who owns RJ's used to own the Houndstooth...good guy, stop in for breakfast there sometime when it's not a game day...good lunches as well) So, those apartments along Wallce Wade would be gone.
I could see this as a huge perk for getting new students for the university. The only thing I would be against, like you said Terry, is if they tried to tear down any historic businesses. Especially if they tried to tear down Rama Jama's. Talk about some seriously good grub. :D
With regards to the retail space, and assuming parking is no issue, what businesses would you most like to see go in there?

To me restaurants seem to be a good fit. (Can you imaging Dreamland somehow pulling that one off?) I can see BAMA related clothing stores jumping in.
LBS said:
With regards to the retail space, and assuming parking is no issue, what businesses would you most like to see go in there?

To me restaurants seem to be a good fit. (Can you imaging Dreamland somehow pulling that one off?) I can see BAMA related clothing stores jumping in.

A money maker? Hooter's. Another choice along those lines is a "grill" type place that also serves as a sports bar but on the upscale side...picture the Legacy with the number of TV's that Houndstooth has but a menu something like Outback, as example.

I'd almost, if this all comes together, we'll see a major store/chain come in to be a long term lease holder much like they do at malls. A Books-a-Million type??

Bama Fever would be foolish not to look into a store there.
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