| FTBL Shaun Alexander. News yet?

Once training camps start in a couple of weeks, running backs will no doubt start getting injured. Shaun will likely get picked up by somebody at that time, providing he can pass the physical. If he's in good shape, he'll probably have a job by the time the season starts.
reger60 said:
Once training camps start in a couple of weeks, running backs will no doubt start getting injured. Shaun will likely get picked up by somebody at that time, providing he can pass the physical. If he's in good shape, he'll probably have a job by the time the season starts.

I got that, but do is there any rumblings about where he might go. I bring this up only because of the open speculation as to where Brett Favre may go when Brett is Retired and still obligated to the Packers should a he actually come back.
I can feel for Shaun right now, with all due respect...it is a little disappointing he hasn't been signed yet. I still expect him to get signed soon enough and have some valuable playing time.
I can feel for Shaun right now, with all due respect...it is a little disappointing he hasn't been signed yet. I still expect him to get signed soon enough and have some valuable playing time.

I feel the same way and think that he has some fuel left in his tank.
bama4life said:
I can feel for Shaun right now, with all due respect...it is a little disappointing he hasn't been signed yet. I still expect him to get signed soon enough and have some valuable playing time.

I feel the same way and think that he has some fuel left in his tank.

From your lips to an NFL General Manager's ears.
I love Shaun myself, but every time I saw him play lately he just seemed to fall down after someone breathed in his direction. He may get picked up, but he won't be "the Man" anywhere. He's been playing almost 10 years now. Probably getting close to the bitter end.
Well, I can tell you he was in Jacksonville this weekend with his family. :) Whether that means anything is yet to be determined. I don't follow pro, so I have no idea the feasibility of Shaun being a Jaguar.

BTW, it bears repeating what a super nice guy Shaun is and even in the face of uncertainity he shines that million dollar smile.
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