| LIFE Selling some Bama items


Hey guys,

(If this isn't okay to post here, please delete!)

My husband and I have fallen on some hard times financially (not super desperate or anything but enough that we are parting with some non-essential items) and we are selling some of our stuff.

Figured I'd share here (again, please delete if this is not okay), since the holidays are coming up and all.

Our ebay store is Nv53frd.

Currently have a Derrick Henry signed football, a banner, and a youth jersey for sale.

Thank you and RTR!
Dang girl I sure hate to hear this news. I hope you dont mind but I am going to give you some advice since I am old enough to be your dad.

Please take a moment and check out Dave Ramsey and his financial peace university. It will work wonders for you and your husband if you apply the 7 baby steps that he talks about. I know you arent into the religious side of things and that's ok. Just follow his system, it works. I have recommended this to young couples and older ones as well and they have had great success.

I trust things get better for you soon. If you want to chat about this more, shoot me a private message and I will be happy to help. I do not get a penny from this, all I want is to see you get out of debit.
Dang girl I sure hate to hear this news. I hope you dont mind but I am going to give you some advice since I am old enough to be your dad.

Please take a moment and check out Dave Ramsey and his financial peace university. It will work wonders for you and your husband if you apply the 7 baby steps that he talks about. I know you arent into the religious side of things and that's ok. Just follow his system, it works. I have recommended this to young couples and older ones as well and they have had great success.

I trust things get better for you soon. If you want to chat about this more, shoot me a private message and I will be happy to help. I do not get a penny from this, all I want is to see you get out of debit.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

We are okay for now but I had to leave my job due to health reasons back in July so my husband has been the sole provider and it's been tough, with my medical bills and loans, and the general costs of living. My field has also been very limited but the jobs should start being posted again in the new year. I'm optimistic for 2019 :)
I'll pray for you. I recently had same issue. Lost job because of my health issues and I am the sole provider. Luckily I had 6 weeks of severance and I start a new job 10 Dec but I have to move back to Bham.

Thank you very much!

I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with health issues as well, and hope you're doing better. Congrats on the new job though, that's great news!
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