| CURRENT EVENTS Seattle mayor slams protesters for showing no 'regard for' her 'safety' as demonstrators circle her home

Dumb bitch. She got EXACTLY what she wanted (and deserved). That whole situation is mostly her fault for allowing the cops to not do anything. If she'd allowed it, the cops could've shut that shit down quickly. But she's a bleeding-heart liberal so all lives, even the ones who would riot, loot, and destroy, are precious. Let's not worry about the buildings and businesses that were ruined, but let's make sure all these morons have their way in a large U.S. city. IMO, she needs to be removed from office for allowing it to happen in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that everyone has a voice and should be allowed to use it. But what I don't agree with is the looting and rioting and calling it "protests". Protesting is not violent. Rioting is violent. And allowing those morons to takeover a part of a large U.S. city like that is beyond reprehensible. And she should be ashamed of herself and her staff.

And if I was President Trump, I would deny her any federal aid money that she might seek. I'd tell her she caused the mess, now she can clean it up.
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