| FTBL Scroll down and prepare to be disapointed



For those living out of state, this is the Saturday ABC coverage map. Anyone on the Whack Coast is just screwed (no surprise there).

Better find a sports bar, listen online, try watching online or ordering PPV/360. Because it won't be on ABC or cross-covered by ESPN79 or any channel like that.

What is truly telling from the coverage map is the large degree of the states that comprise the Big Televen that will receive our game instead of the game with a conference member participating.

Notably, that the Chicago market will be seeing Alabama (a team many down here try to argue is an ancient relic that is immaterial to today's viewer) instead of Big Televen member Michigan State. Look too at Minnesota, Indiana, and Iowa.

Fell sorry for you in California.
In all honesty, I feel for some of the people wanting to see the MSU/Cal game. Bama/Clemson should have national coverage, while someone else picks up MSU/Cal, never should it have been a spilt broadcast.

im sorry. if 90 percent of the country gets the see the bama game, who care about same cal game!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
the_rolltide said:

im sorry. if 90 percent of the country gets the see the bama game, who care about same cal game!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just peeople in Cal.

On a side note, you can scroll down and see the message log where Big 10 fans are all pissed at us "hillbillies" for having to watch "hillbilly football". Funny, because last time I checked, the midwest was neither a bastion of high culture or high quality football.

ABC/ESPN are doing America a favor by keeping their lousy-a**ed conference off television.
Will it be on the net? I hate to ask, but IDK what I was thinking seeing how two ranked teams are playing. Yet, I'll be stuck watching the weak azz pac 10 scrubs.

You want to talk about getting kicked in the gut. This put a real bummer on my day. :cry:
Optimus, I was talking with the_rolltide the other day and we were going to get together to watch the game until I started hearing rumblings of regional coverage. I had forgotten you were out here as well. Maybe you could hook up with us in a couple of weeks for another game?
porkchop said:
Optimus, I was talking with the_rolltide the other day and we were going to get together to watch the game until I started hearing rumblings of regional coverage. I had forgotten you were out here as well. Maybe you could hook up with us in a couple of weeks for another game?


We are going to PARTY!!! :D :D :D
Love to guys! Man this is just heart breaking. Really I'm just a mess right now. I can't believe 2 ranked teams are playing and we can't watch it. Truly sad brothers! Can anyone post a link so I/we can listen over a net broadcast.

You can bet I'm calling TWC and letting them have it! I want that dang 360! Just so we can watch the next one!
Optimus said:
Love to guys! Man this is just heart breaking. Really I'm just a mess right now. I can't believe 2 ranked teams are playing and we can't watch it. Truly sad brothers! Can anyone post a link so I/we can listen over a net broadcast.

You can bet I'm calling TWC and letting them have it! I want that dang 360! Just so we can watch the next one!

First maybe i dont want to watch a game with you! "Love to guys" :shock: hahah
Im so pissed! My neighbor ACROSS THE STREET is in a different zip code and gets 360!
Im so pissed! How hard is it to tell the 10 cal fans to suck it up and watch a real football game!
the_rolltide said:
Optimus said:
Love to guys! Man this is just heart breaking. Really I'm just a mess right now. I can't believe 2 ranked teams are playing and we can't watch it. Truly sad brothers! Can anyone post a link so I/we can listen over a net broadcast.

You can bet I'm calling TWC and letting them have it! I want that dang 360! Just so we can watch the next one!

First maybe i dont want to watch a game with you! "Love to guys" :shock: hahah
Im so pissed! My neighbor ACROSS THE STREET is in a different zip code and gets 360!
Im so pissed! How hard is it to tell the 10 cal fans to suck it up and watch a real football game!

LOL Judas, well I'm in the same boat rolling. I called TWC ask why could I not get ESPN 360 was told they don't offer it in my area. I wonder if this going to happen all season. Freaking espn gameplan sucks too. Well, enough crying RTR!!!
Optimus said:
the_rolltide said:
Optimus said:
Love to guys! Man this is just heart breaking. Really I'm just a mess right now. I can't believe 2 ranked teams are playing and we can't watch it. Truly sad brothers! Can anyone post a link so I/we can listen over a net broadcast.

You can bet I'm calling TWC and letting them have it! I want that dang 360! Just so we can watch the next one!

First maybe i dont want to watch a game with you! "Love to guys" :shock: hahah
Im so pissed! My neighbor ACROSS THE STREET is in a different zip code and gets 360!
Im so pissed! How hard is it to tell the 10 cal fans to suck it up and watch a real football game!

LOL Judas, well I'm in the same boat rolling. I called TWC ask why could I not get ESPN 360 was told they don't offer it in my area. I wonder if this going to happen all season. Freaking espn gameplan sucks too. Well, enough crying RTR!!!

We should prolly stop b@#$#ing and get over it! HAHA
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