| LIFE Scholarship advice

XXL TideFan

My daughter is going to be the first in this family to go to college. She scored a 34 on her ACT last year in the 9th grade and carries a 3.9GPA. I need advise and guidance from you guys that have gone and graduated in the best way to proceed. Don't care if I have to work 2 jobs.
Are you ina lottery State? If so find out what she needs to do to get the scholarship money from it.

A lot of the cost will be room and board if she goes to an away school. May not be worth it if you love close enough to a school that offers what she wants to not need it.

Going to a more local school or even community college for at least the first two years to get the general stuff out off the way is a good way to save money and won't hurt anything. Make sure it is all transferrable to the school she's wants to graduate from.

I am not one to pay for my kids school. You make better choices when you pay for at least part of it yourself. I don't get in my kids about their grades because they know that they have to pay for them all. But everyone is different.
An ACT of 34, I have to imagine she'll have the opportunity to get into ANY school as well as getting amazing scholarships. Remember she's going to be competing with others of similar scores from around the country, so she's gonna have to do something to standout from the crowd. Volunteer work, gpa (weighted/unweighted), class ranking, etc

Every college/university is pulling kids from around the country. My oldest graduated last year from high school, class size of 650+, the valedictorian went to Alabama, believe 3 of the top 20 went to Alabama, 2 of them were in the top 5 of the class.

In Texas, every state school guarantees that the top 10% of the graduating class will be accepted, University of Texas (Austin) has reduced that to 7% (it may be lower now), as they have been going after international students and kids from outta state. TAMU will auto accept you if you're in the top 9% I believe now. Class ranking is super critical here based on this alone. No idea about how the state of Alabama works. University of Alabama is heavily recruiting outta state and has been for at least 5 years.

Talk to one of the school counselors to make a plan now would be my recommendation. They love doing this kinda stuff, feed their ego :)

My kids high school also had a couple hour presentation they hold yearly talking to parents about how to best get ready for college. You may find your daughters high school has something like this as well.
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