Scariest Movies of All Time?

Being raised on God/Satan, and being aware that science has not yet accounted for every mysterious force in our universe, I love a good supernatural story involving demonic spirits. Unfortunately, not that many GOOD movies have been made on the subject.

As for being truly scared, the original movie 'The Exorcist' scared the crap out of me. It was well made and had a sense of believability if you're a believer in good and evil spirits - especially for a kid. Unfortunately, the sequel/prequal/whatever to The Exorcist weren't that good.

I did enjoy the original Poltergeist when it came out. Some parts were pretty cheesy - especially by today's movie-making standards. But there was something really creepy about that old man. 'The Shining' and 'The Entity' were pretty good. I haven't seen 'Shutter Island' yet. Maybe I'll watch that this month.

Slasher/hacker movies are sometimes entertaining, but I wouldn't say they're 'scary'. Too many movies are made in this genre, and they're too predictable. More like they're intended to scare a naive school girl (which, I suppose, they are).

I love a good scary movie. I just wish they made more good ones.
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This movie skeered the you-know-what out of me when I was a boy:


Here is the intro, and it was just the beginning of a string of gruesome things that happen to beautiful women under the influence of a devious hypnotist. Imagine watching this as an impressionable 4- or 5-year-old who was already afraid of the dark and superstitious as all get out.


The HYPNOTIC EYE (1959) Beautiful women disfigure themselves in rather gruesome ways after taking part in a Hypnotist's stage show. This lurid sleaze classic was filmed in "HYPNOMAGIC" which promised that you, the viewer would actually be hypnotized! Starring Jaques Bergerac, Allison (50ft. Woman) Hayes, Merry Anders, and in a small role as a surgeon- Fred Demara, the real life fraud whose biopic starred Tony Curtis (The Great Imposter).

Here's even a little audience participation demo:


STARE IF YOU DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Those are all good plus Event Horizon freaked me out.

Slasher/hacker movies are sometimes entertaining, but I wouldn't say they're 'scary'. Too many movies are made in this genre, and they're too predictable. More like they're intended to scare a naive school girl (which, I suppose, they are).

Most of the time that is true with me until you get to one based on a true story like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Just like what I learned from watching Scooby-Doo years ago growing up,there aren't any real monsters out there, just the men behind the mask/costume.
Those are all good plus Event Horizon freaked me out.

Most of the time that is true with me until you get to one based on a true story like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Just like what I learned from watching Scooby-Doo years ago growing up,there aren't any real monsters out there, just the men behind the mask/costume.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a myth.
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