The evil foisted upon America by an activist left court has been overturned and the abortion issue returns to the states. 6-3 decision

I never thought I would see this day! Wonderful, wonderful news.

The left is right about one thing though. America cannot be a place where those babies who were going to be aborted but are now born are left without much support.
One thing that bugs me in this whole thing is the grandstanding folks who decry as one prominent politician put it today “many of whom” can’t afford to drive hundreds and thousands of miles to now get to a state for a legal abortion. And a number of large “tech” companies are offering a new benefit, travel services to get the abortion in another state. Seriously? Tech company workers, who a large number of, live where they want and work remotely, and if you know any, they live for traveling and posting selfies of where they’ve traveled. Now they can’t afford to drive to another state to get an abortion for a baby they chose to create? They’re that broke? Give me a freakin break. I hate that grandstanding shit. I’ve said on here before, I know a handful of girls/ladies that have had abortions. Some multiple. None were raped. All could afford to drive to another state for a procedure even though most had limited income in their young adult years. That is just a dumbass comment to say so that many people can’t afford to drive. They buy drugs, they buy alcohol, they party. Least they could do to abort their baby is put gas in the car to get there.

I obtained several degrees but geography was not one of them. Can anyone tell me where a person might have to drive thousands (with an “s”) of miles to get to the nearest state that allows abortions. Maybe the lowest tip of Miami? Miami to DC is 1,045 miles but you pass through NC, Virginia, etc. Not thousands… Again, not a geography expert. But thousands of miles is a long ass way. More spewed bull shit by sore losers.
Some are coming unhinged. Dem politicians are getting dangerously close to inciting violence.


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I love this logic.

"We're in charge now with the majority in both houses and the WH, but give us more time to rectify something we haven't been able to do yet."
They are pushing that they need a filibuster proof majority. It is solid logic.

EDIT: To add, with a filibuster proof majority they can pass whatever they want without even having to worry about Republicans.
They are pushing that they need a filibuster proof majority. It is solid logic.

EDIT: To add, with a filibuster proof majority they can pass whatever they want without even having to worry about Republicans.
There is an uptick in interest in abortion laws due to the ruling.

If they're going to push this (filibuster) in light of the ruling I don't see that as moving the needle. A filibuster proof majority isn't a hot button for the upcoming midterms. It's actually counterintuitive to their message of "saving democracy."
I love the near precedence of returning matters of the states back to the states. The people wetting the bed should look at it as an easier fight as state governments are easier to change on serious matters than the feds if you don’t want to go that route relo to paradise in a blue state of their choosing. Restoring local values may ultimately slow down the federal homogenization of America. I’m hoping this is the first step in reclamation of states rights.
I assume you would allow abortion in all cases of forced sex?
This is one of those vicious circles I've been watching.

One of the "tag lines" this past weekend referenced how a minority influenced a decision where the majority disagreed. In the same argument they emphasize a minority—the reported 1.5% of abortions being in the case of rape or incest.
This is one of those vicious circles I've been watching.

One of the "tag lines" this past weekend referenced how a minority influenced a decision where the majority disagreed. In the same argument they emphasize a minority—the reported 1.5% of abortions being in the case of rape or incest.
When the comment is about choices leading up to pregnancy, it is a valid response. If only 1.5% are from rape or incest, then nobody should have a problem allowing those.
I give not a care about abortion usually. I always could support Roe v Wade as written (trimester system). I can't support life at conception nor can I support choice until birth.
When the comment is about choices leading up to pregnancy, it is a valid response. If only 1.5% are from rape or incest, then nobody should have a problem, allowing those.
I believe you'll find very few that'll disagree. It's the reported 75% that made the choice as an elective: that's where the concern is found with the majority. (Here's your circle again.) This is the case worldwide with the majority of countries allowing it under these circumstances.
This is the case worldwide with the majority of countries allowing it under these circumstances.
The majority of countries that allow abortion at all also only allow choice up to around 20-24 weeks. That is something the left won't comment on. And when those in countries like that realize much of the left in the US wants choice up to 40 weeks, they start wondering how crazy those folks are.
The argument always thrown out for abortion on demand has been “rape & incest” pregnancies. It’s a great talking point that really tugs on emotions.
Are there any estimations or better yet actual numbers of women seeking abortion for these reasons?
The argument always thrown out for abortion on demand has been “rape & incest” pregnancies. It’s a great talking point that really tugs on emotions.
Are there any estimations or better yet actual numbers of women seeking abortion for these reasons?
My point is more that you can easily make an exception for those without allowing abortion on demand for up to 9 months.
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