| FTBL Rich Rod, you little devil you



;sh West Virginia going to try and nail this guy. Here's another new story about Rich rod's shady dealings leading up to his departure to Michigan. This time Rod is accused of recruiting for Michigan while using WVa phones. Ouch!

Rich Rod
I will admit that last year when it looked like Alabama might be going to hire RichRod, I was somewhat excited. I was/am even more excited over who was eventually hired. But, the more I hear about Rod, the more glad I am that the deal fell through with him. This is one shady dude. Doing some of the things he's done is just wrong. Especially when you consider that he's done them to his alma mater.
This is definitely shady, but does anyone else think West Virginia should just cut ties and stop trying to nail him with anything they can? Where's the "beating a dead horse" emoticon when you need it?
I have heard rumblings that there is some cause for Rodriguez' obvious anger at his old school, basically that WVU had promised facilities upgrades and more money for his assistants and then reneged on the promise. WVU is not a program with a lot of $. so there may be a grain of truth here.
psychojoe said:
I have heard rumblings that there is some cause for Rodriguez' obvious anger at his old school, basically that WVU had promised facilities upgrades and more money for his assistants and then reneged on the promise. WVU is not a program with a lot of $. so there may be a grain of truth here.

I've heard that also, and don't doubt it is true. Even a couple of WVU boosters were quoted earlier saying WVU reneged on promises made to Rich Rod. But, I still don't think that excuses things such as the article above or him shredding documents on player evals and such.
weezyfbaby00 said:
This is definitely shady, but does anyone else think West Virginia should just cut ties and stop trying to nail him with anything they can? Where's the "beating a dead horse" emoticon when you need it?

Hell hath no fury like a big east team scorned.

Me thinks we dodge a bullet last December... from the looks of it lately, a 50 cal!
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