| FTBL Recommended reading: Essentials of Smart Football (makes a nice Christmas gift as well, treat yours


Before I touch a bit on the book, let me direct you to the website. If there's one site I consistently frequent Chris Brown's Smart Football is in the top five of my non-Bama sites.

He's got some great articles up right now covering subjects like The Art Briles offense at Baylor, Watching Film with Chip Kelly, and one I enjoyed back in September about how Saban would address Johnny Manziel.

Yesterday he posted a chart, below, about which books are being purchased at Amazon and after reading that I thought I'd drop a recommendation for his book here.

I bought the book last year and have to admit I've read it a couple of times and still find things new when I pick it up. Among some of his chapters you can read about the history of Beamer and Bud Foster's defense (came in real handy when we played VT to open the season,) the Evolution of Urban Meyer's offense, and a great chapter on Saban's defensive concept.

The chapters aren't long, chalked full of information, and if even you aren't a "reader" you'll find it very informative.

Heck, priced at less than 10 bucks?!?!

Here's a direct link to our Amazon store where you can purchase the book today.

Essentials of Smart Football: Chris Brown.

(A quick note...we're doing a sofware upgrade on the site within the next couple of months so if you're going to purchase this book, please do it through our store. Every little bit to help cover the cost of the upgrade is appreciated! Thanks!!!)

Just added it to my wishlish. I have like 3 I'm trying to get through now.

You sound like me. Two I'm reading again; Joseph Keller's "Catch 22," and I grabbed Douglas Adams "The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" Saturday night (didn't want to watch anymore football) and I'm enjoying reading this again.

Just received "George Washington's Secret Six" and I'll break that open tomorrow morning.
Right now Im reading "Third Coast" (a book about southern rap), that new one "The System: Glory & Scandal of Big time Football", and this really really good one "Breaking the Line: The Season in Black College Football That Transformed the Sport and Changed the Course of Civil Rights." I also got like 4 Alabama/Bear Bryant books and a cpl Civil War books I havent read yet lol
Which Bryant Book's Bird?

"Rising Tide," "Career In Crisis", "Bryant on Leadership: Life Lessons," and "Turnaround: Bear's 1st Year at Alabama." I already read "The Bear" by Don Keith and "The Missing Ring." Both are incredible but man "The Bear" was hard to put down. It's written like a screenplay or novel rather than a biography, and it is SO much better than the Gary Busey movie. I'd like to read the others first but I dont see how its gonna get better than that, if I had to suggest one book to anyone to read about Bear Bryant it would be that one.

I forgot I also just picked up a Bruce Lee book and a book about the AFL and I haven't even touched them.

Probably half of em, and none of the ones that I haven't either finished or started on yet.
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