| OT Really off topic: "Oh crap, they caught that on video?" I hope to god that's what she's thinking..

This goes back to the Kiffin conversation, she was just stopping a maniacal fan from storming the court to harass one of her players. :sarcasm:

I would have slapped that B, and gave my sibling a hug.
she was just stopping a maniacal fan from storming the court to harass one of her players.
I' m not sure what her position is with this group. From what I've read she's one of the tournament directors.

I came across this tweet earlier this morning and it had her twitter handle included. I just looked ... page has been deleted. I can only imagine the crap she's received--and rightfully so--since this story went viral.

^^^^^^^^ Going to call BULLSHIT on this!!!! Guess they feel that a 6-7 year old boy is bringing a bomb onto the court.

Pure, unadulterated, BULLSHIT.
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