Punished for the sins of our fathers...


Proud Bama Grad
A deep title I know, and maybe too deep a topic for this forum. But I'll give it a shot. I need to get it off my chest.

I have been with a certain company for 12 years now, and have pretty good knowledge base of operations, procurement, and asset protection. I recently interviewed for a job in the same procurement team I used to work in for a promotion. Interviewed with my old supervisor. He always brags to others about how much he enjoyed my presence on our team, and how dependeable I was. The supplier community absolutely loved me and begged me not to leave the team. I left the team in good standing for another promotion about 6 years ago.

I had heard the VP's over the departments are given a list of three people they can hire for each opening. After I didnt get the position I started hearing grumblings from people that thought I was wronged. They were shocked I didnt get it, and dissapointed in our company. I found out today the person hired was a black female with no experience in procurement, and only 3 years in the company. I am dissapointed that it seems our company is being run by a bunch of Human Resource managers that feel the need to meet quotas.

But this isnt the first time this has happened to me. I got passed up for a promotion 4 years ago in the same scenario. People thought I was a shoe in for a position, and no one from inside the company could match my knowledge base. Then BAM! This certain company hired someone from outside that had buying experience, but in a totally different category than we do business in. You guessed it, she was a black female.

I feel like even though I have experience in our company, and have built great relationships with many of our business partners inside and outside it doesnt matter to them.

Now, I am a pretty contemporary guy and I believe hate is an ugly thing. People shouldnt be judged for their appearance, race, religion, or gender. But in my 12 years in a corporate enviornment I've seen alot of bias. And I have pretty much been the victim of quota filling. Back to my title, is this payback for the sins of our fathers? And has anyone else had this happen?

And is anyone know of a company hiring someone with military and civilian background in purchasing and inventory control? I'm a hard working guy and would be an asset to any company.
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