Physical Therapy...


When I was young I learned about "words' by braking them down.
Example "Therapist" is "The Rapist!"
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!! I am no wimp. I have endured pain form tearing an ACL, breaking an ankle, breaking a foot. As I firefighter I have been burned in two separate fires bad enough to be transported (against my will) twice. I have had to go through de-breeding treatments for one of those incidents. I have had 1500 volts of electricity run in one hand, across my body and out the other hand. ( Yeah e/r visit for that too). But I have NEVER gone through the physical pain that my p/t is putting me through. He is working on some shoulder issues right now, and he is literally tearing the muscles apart so they will regrow, properly. It is so bad he has had to remind me to breath. He's also a good friend of mine, all except that hour I am laying on his table. I have to keep quoting the bible verse located in my sig below. I just finished and I have an 08:00 appointment with him next week. I have been to P/T's before ( after knee scope etc.) and never though that they pushed hard enough. This is no longer the case.
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