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Zero Yards Rushing

Can anyone tell me when this has happened to a top ten rated team in the last 10 years? I know some of you guys know statistical stuff, but zero yards rushing is very hard to do.
Re: Zero Yards Rushing

RollllTide! said:
Can anyone tell me when this has happened to a top ten rated team in the last 10 years? I know some of you guys know statistical stuff, but zero yards rushing is very hard to do.

Actually, Alabama did it to Oklahoma in 2003...if I recall correctly they had -23 yards rushing.

But their passing game was a bit different. BTW, they were #1 at the time.
Re: Zero Yards Rushing

Crimson&WhiteGecko said:
RollllTide! said:
Can anyone tell me when this has happened to a top ten rated team in the last 10 years? I know some of you guys know statistical stuff, but zero yards rushing is very hard to do.

Actually, Alabama did it to Oklahoma in 2003...if I recall correctly they had -23 yards rushing.

But their passing game was a bit different. BTW, they were #1 at the time.

That is correct. 23 attempts, -23 yards. They completed 21 passes for 306 yards.

One small thing...they were rated #3 at the time.
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