| FTBL NSFW: It's Meltdown Time! Week Seven


Bench Warmer
By J Tadpole

This week's edition of our shameless revelry in the misery of others.

As a whole, favored teams won this week (though there were some near misses that would have shaken things up considerably) so we had to go with second appearances for the Horns and Aggies, who achieve the rare back-to-back meltdown appearance. Congratulations, Ags. Also, Auburn lost to Mississippi State and their fans were none too pleased about it. As always the standard warning applies- if horribly bad language offends you then read no further. You have been warned. Enjoy.

Nicks a converted DB. He got it done last year with Greg , Tre and Jay. His ship has sailed.

I hope somebody from Auburn goes to the NCAA about these calls. This is pathetic. Theyre not even trying to act liek they're neutral.

I think I'm gonna hurl.

A combination of awful turnovers and refs who suck fat winners has done us in

G-o-d-dam-nit! Put in jj!!!!

Refs are padding the stats now that the game is out of hand. That way when someone says anything they can say "Look, we did call some penalties on MSU too!"

Fuck off Verne... You fat cheeseburger walrus.

"This looks like Auburn of 2012!" Oh, fuck off, ya floppy puss lip.


I hope Gus takes that ref's mom to a nice dinner at waffle house and never calls her back

Booting up Skyrim, gonna go murder Whiterun. I'll let y'all know how it turns out.

Error 404: Auburn not found.

This team is a fucking joke.

Miss State was allowed to have cowbells cuz they are a joke team. This isnt fair when they are good.

If I were to be offered a single wish from a genie, I wouldn't ask for power, money or any other cliche. I would ask that all of the cowbells in MSU would be instaneously shoved up their fans stupid backwoods asses.

Another horsehit chicken shit bullshit fuck fuck fuck it all.

State is using the money they didn't spend on cam to pay the refs

I'm about to go kill 20 cows just so I can melt their bells down.

Wow. I came into this game thinking win or lose I'll be ok with it. But the way this game has been called along with the abuse of the bells, fuck this shit, I'm pissed the fuck off

Fuck these refs, fuck fucking bullshit cowbells, fuck Verne and Gary.

Fuck ricardo lewis

Ban the fucking bells for fucks sake.. the fans don't follow the fucking rules

I like to think that Gary and Verne are naked from the waist down and just jerking each other off everytime they get to shit on Auburn.

How does Ritter sleep at night? On a bed filled with money from Miss St

Fuck the rain. Fuck Vern. Fuck Marshall. Fuck these receivers who can't catch shit. Fuck these refs. Fuck Dak. Fuck Daks Tebowing dog. Fuck team chaos. Fuck a god damn turn over. Fuck CLANGACLANGACLANGA. Fuck me in my fucking war eagle ass. Fuck this game.

Tuscaloosa Tom and his crew are doing a great job of trying to fuck our asses.

Fuck these cockgobbling Bullshit Asshole Clanga Clanga CLANGA REFS.

Dammit. I left work early to watch this abortion!

Can we get them to rub all that Mississippi cow oil off the ball for our next possession?

Play calling is fucking retarded.

A fucking option you stupid fucker shawn watson stupid fuck

Just punt the ball you faggots. You're all terrible

throw a god damn play action pass watson jesus fucking christ fuck you with this option bullshit you faggot

Special teams are a fucking garbage clownshow

oh Goddamn, now Shipley got da special teams AIDS.....

soon the darkness of shame will cover us all.

The day Bob dick eater stoops dies should be a texas holiday fgt

Swoopes should legally change his name to " three and out"

Can't wait to hear Charlie's excuse for this offensive abortion

How many games can we abort over ST. Charlie needs to jihad some sumbitch.

fucking special teams needs less retard aids

Sanchez is a fagit with lady hair.

Welp, off to the liquor store.

We would literally be better off playing defense on every snap. Punt on first down. And punt out of bounds so our special teams can't fuck it up.

Who the FUCKING FUCKING FUCK is Roderick Bernard, and why do we let this little cunt touch kickoffs?

Will we be the first school to have our offense + regarded teams go for negative points in a season?

You worthless, welfare-sucking, trailer-dwelling, inbred, illiterate, redneck offspring of land-thieving criminal pieces of shit. I hope your meth labs blow up your trailers and you have to live on the streets and it rains and hails and you get hit by lightning in your busted teeth. And when you go to the hospital to get your lightninged head looked at, I hope you get a Liberian roommate. You fucking cunts. Fuck you. Kill yourselves.

strong should discipline his own dumbass

I have one core value for our coaching staff: get your heads out of your asses.

if adrian colbert had gotten ebola, we would have won this game

Bob stoops still sucks a bag of dicks

Fuck em right in the pussy

Not at their best? Fuck you, McDonough. It's because of Texas, you bald cunt.

14 points gents. 14 godsamn pints

If you need me, I'll be shooting heroin into my eye sockets. Fuck this shit.

Penalties were bullshit!!! Sanchez was early twice!! Zebras fucked us. Discipline isn't there at all. Watson needs to go. Playcalling is one thing but get the Damn plays to Swoopes in time jesus Christ!!! Future looks bright though!!! I'm drunk

Shit offense. Shit special teams... Shit offensive line discipline... Shit clock mgmt...Shit results..


I take solace in the fact that anyone that took OU and the line lost their ass.

Mack talking about the OU game makes me want to kick babies. He's the last person who needs to talk about this shit

We fucked ourselves, but the goddamn holding bullshit is a bunch of fucking shitstain fucking cunt sucking cock gargling bullshit. reminds me of 2008. Fuck this sht.

Time out faggotry. God damnit Charlie.


Howdy Ags!
Just wanted to wish you all a very mediocre day! If you have been average at school/at your job for years and years, that is totally okay! If you are young, don't worry about being average, you have plenty of time, and there is always next year! Who cares about trying to compete with the top performers in your class/office? They are the best so it is completely acceptable for them to be better than you day after day, year after year, because they are really good!

All of you idiots that thought we would blow out MSU and Ole Miss, fuck you. We suck (improved over last year though). I hate you. Should probably have said "hat" so you fucks would understand. Eat shit. I'm out.

Mother of God. What an abortion

Screw it. I'm joining isis and denouncing this heathen sport.

We are the Rosie O Donnell of college football right now

I'm about to get busy with myself

Heavy Drinking Commerce
Where the FUCK did our offense go

We're the SMU of the SEC

On a more relevant topic than this awful game, the twin housekeepers in the Las Vegas commercial don't do it for me. Should I be concerned?

Here comes pendejo Wallace for 95 yards up our duodenum but don't worry because bun b, trill, Rick Ross, swag, tine, choppers and goatse. F me. What an absolute donkey abortion.

I'm gonna have to shut the computer down soon before I get banned................................

Used to be, you had to go to Mexico and drop a lot of pesos to get a fucking like this.

The good news is I get a lot more free time back now that football is over

Quick, someone find an online poll we can dominate

The giant, pasty white guy is running it right up our ass

As I understand it, the internet has this thing called pornography, so I'm gonna try that for awhile.

Thanksgiving game is going to be a ghost town on TV. Two unranked irrelevant suck ass teams stinking turkey day up



Sad when you watch both bible turds with better DBs than the Ags.

Fuck A&M. I'm done with this shit. Call me salty, IDGAF.

I fucking done with Kenny Hill. Put in Kyle Allen. Fuck this shit

m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i go fuck yourself


Anyone know how to make my kidneys stop hurting?

Freakin Helen Keller would be a better do than our guys

Spav needs to be shot.

Stop running that fucking throw to the rb Spav u stupid shit faggot

kenny hill = young gilbert grape

I know, give me great recruits on defense, then suck massive horsecock in prime time.

Kyle Allen has got to be laughing at this, otherwise he's be crying thinking how bad of a qb they must think he is.

Can we just agree that our offense and defense are both terrible and go drink a beer?

Never watched a game with Auburn fans, but have watched many with Tennessee fans (I'm from Tennessee). Per those post Auburn fans sound like Tennessee fans "always the officials fault." I didn't watch the game; was the officiating really that bad, or like Tennessee fans it's like they're watching a completely different game then anyone else and makes up new rules to the game as they go too?
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