

Hello everyone.
I am new to this and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is BAMAboy51. I am only 18 but dont think i dont know much. i promise ill shock your mind when it comes to alabama.
I am from North Louisiana... currently living here too. i know iknow. louisiana... it sucks. well i was born into the Tide. My dads best friend went to bama which drew my dad in. then dad met mom which resulted in me. I had no choice. My blood is crimson. I take heat all the time. Year in and year out. I play football. well use to, im a senior this year. My nickname on the field... BAMA! my small town knows me because i make my presence known. I boasted bama through the bad and through the shut outs! haha. Everyone i know is die hard lsu. except for a few... 2 barners and a pig. that i know of. I just wanted to say hi and you will see me alot on here. Thanks
ROLL TIDE!:elephant:
real quick question. I downloaded the app from the android market. and im trying to post a thread but it says a thread with prefixes isnt supported. anyone know what this is?

I don't, Lance might.

I've got a Android 2.3 Superfly 3 being delivered tomorrow (hopefully, it left Cali last night) and when I get it I'll download the app and see how it works—or doesn't.

I'll get Lance over here in a few hours to see what he has to say.
Test driving different browsers with regards to functionality with forums. The default browser works very well but not perfectly. Quit a bit of lag during typing. DolphinHD is faster but also suffers lag during typing, but not as much as the default. Both versions of Opera were sucky with forums. Maxathon was a train wreck. Skyfire caused a reboot loop of sorts. Will look for forum software to test, free versions of course.
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