New dating website is just for diehard Kentucky fans

You're a Kentucky fan. You've struggled in romance because, for as hard as you've tried to find love, your dates simply don't understand or won't acccept your hardcore Big Blue Nation fandom. You're losing hope.

But have faith! As of Thursday night at 9 p.m. ET, there will exist a dating site specifically for diehard Kentucky fans called

Yes, really. This won't be your regular dating site; there'll be no discussing "long walks on the beach" or sorting by religious type or any of that. Although, according to Kentucky Sports Radio, profiles will include information such as "fandom rating."

"I felt like we were really hitting it off, but at one point she said something about Andre Woodson being better than Tim Couch, and I just had to end it right there."

But seriously, there would seem to be a sizeable demographic interested in this sort of site. Now, as to whether no-longer-married Ashley Judd has set up a profile ...

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