Need some help, my Bama bros (and sis)

Sgt. Lincoln Osiris

Lead farmer
Some friends of mine have a 12 year old son with a rare mitral valve abnormality that is going to require open heart surgery in Boston, coming up in September. They're going to have to be there for several days, and travel and accommodation expenses are steep.

We're holding a fund raiser event in Northport next week. I'm actually smoking some butts and making sauce for BBQ plates to be served during the event. For all you Tuscaloosa peeps that can come, we'll be having raffles, other prizes, and live music. For you out of towners, a little help would be greatly appreciated. I know school is coming up for the kiddos, and school clothes and supplies are a priority right now, but any help, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the gofundme link. Details about the event, for those that can come, are listed as well.

Team Cornwell
How many are flying up, just Mom and son? More?
Dad as well, and I think grandmother.

I know the father is having rotator cuff surgery this week, and so he'll be out of work for over a month. They own a small business where dad is the lifeblood of the business. Him being out for that long sort of hinders his son's cause even further.

Team Cornwell
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