🏈 My Favorite Truck


Verified Member
::DISCLAIMER:: I know this doesn't belong on this board but I usually only post here and it's a habitual thing... the color of the truck is crimson if that's makes it any better, lol.

4 years ago I got married and decided I didn't have enough bills so I traded in my (paid off) car and got a 1996 Ford F-150 XL longbed. Aside from some minor jealousy by my wife at the way my eyes would glaze over when thinking about the truck there were no problems.

I decided to go back to college and after deciding not to do student loans it didn't take long for bills to start racking up. My wife's father than came to me and said "I'd like to help you out, why don't I take the truck off your hands (there might have been an hiden motive,lol) and I'll just take the payments over and save ya'll some money) it was a great thing for him to do and we were very thankful and it helped us out greatly.

I tell you that story to tell you this. 4 years later (yesterday) my father in law shows up at my house (4 hour drive) and says to me...

"I brought you the truck back, it's paid off now, it's yours"

To say the least right now, I'm beside myself,
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